
River grinned at Serenity's words as she fished out her own laptop and connected her camera to it. She had to upload that picture she snapped earlier.

Kent smiled to Tam. "I'd love to go," He answered, but was a little disappointed she hadn't kissed him. River's earlier words had indeed sparked a little fire in him that he was trying to keep under control. Time alone with Tamara would be very nice, especially since it would let him get to know her more.

As for the other things that could happen...Kent felt it best to keep those thoughts to himself. He could not stop the heat rising to his face, however, and had to let out a little chuckle. "I'll have to notify work about the time I need off, though." He explained.


By the time Max poked his head out to speak, Kevin was already pulling on his shoes and grabbing up his backpack for work keys and whatever else he would need for the pet shop. "I'm late! I forgot to set my alarm! Shit!" He said a little too loudly as slight panic bit down on him.

Kevin had never been late to work before. Sure, he knew Stefan wouldn't mind. Listening to his messages told him that, but he still felt guilty for being late.

Speaking of said shop owner, he called the store and heard the older man answer in his usual thick German accent. "Hey, yeah, I'll be on my way in a minute! I forgot to set my alarm..." He listened for a long moment before letting out a laugh. "Yeah, it's been quite a wild few days. Oh...uh...yeah, my friend helped me chase her off last time. Is she...? Heh, I see...I'll be there soon. Bye."

Hanging up, he looked to Max with a nervous grin. It still felt weird to be late for work. "Mind giving me a lift to work?" He asked.

Bonnie, being her usual possum self, was staying happily curled up on the back of the couch, snoozing.

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