Shock And Awe

Chris was mostly sleepy after his ordeal and was passed out in bed as River watched over him, however, he had been happy to see the goth girl when he was released from the hospital and more happy to hear he would be sleeping at Serenity's house. He had no memory of what horror befell him, and all he seemed aware of was that his dad was gone, but he didn't seem bothered. He was just happy to be around the people he loved.

Tam glared at the man, noting how clearly unrelated to Kent he was, her eyes like cold fire as they pierced through him. "I should fucking kill you for what you've done to Kent... I could've used this on you the moment you opened the door..." She held up the taser she had fully intended to use on this son of a bitch and even sparked it for good measure. "...And then beat the shit out of you... visiting upon you every bruise you left on that boy over the years... and then carved your hide out for what you owe him from the money you stole... But I'm not going to... Because it won't help things in spite of how badly I want to do it. But now you know that he's protected. He's got someone who has no qualms killing you in your sleep when you least expect it if you so much as LOOK at him the wrong way. I promise you... I will be the last thing you see on God's Green Earth if Kent has to suffer you ever again. Am I crystal-fucking-clear???"

And... almost as if it knew it'd add to the effect of her speech a breeze whistled through the air as a distant coyote howled a lonely... eerie howl.


Max smiled. "It'll be okay, Kevin." He kept petting Bonnie. "We'll meet my lawyer tomorrow. Just try and get some rest. I've got your back."

< Prev : The Possum Is Happy At Least Next > : Umm.