Help Isn't Helpful For This Man

Kent arched an eyebrow at Tamara and chuckled. "That so?" He inquired as he moved to the edge of the bed as one of the nurses handed him a pair of crutches. She tapped some of the paperwork about how to use them and his exercises he would have to follow everyday before gesturing to the wheelchair they would use to get him outside. "This place pulls out all the services, huh?" He asked with a smile to Tam. "Ready to go?"

He was thankful for Veronica's kindness, but he really did want to get out of the hospital.


Yazuhiko merely shrugged and finished his own ice cream before looking to some paperwork.

River giggled and smiled to Chris. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." She chimed before looking to Serenity. "I sent the schedule to your email."


Paul groaned and dropped his head. "I have tried to get her help...she always gets out." He muttered and pinched the bridge of his nose. The frustration of this was getting to him, but he had come here hoping to help them. "I tried to warn you, but by then my daughter was already at the pet shop..."

Kevin blinked as he held Bonnie close and watched Max go to make the called to Renee. He wasn't sure what to say at this point. The possum, nuzzling into her owner, was the only thing bringing him any real comfort at that moment.

As for the little mouse known as Bonnie Jr., it pawed at Max's hair, nuzzling and cuddling until it was comfortable. Little mouse ears twitched as the tail hung down to tap Max's fingers as he held the phone to his ear.

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