Feeling Used...

River only sighed as she pulled from Serenity. "Then just let me rest..." Going to the bedroom her friend always let her stay in while visiting, she sat on the bed and just stared at the wall silently. No matter what anyone said, no matter how kind their words were, she would always feel like a used object. She felt filthy and wrong, especially now that Noah had escaped prison.

"No one could love used goods..." She whispered the words he had repeated to her over and over again.


Noah kept to the shadows, having noticed the young man outside the apartment building. He had cleaned off and was dressed differently, but the odd look in his face and the ugly scar running down the side of his face would give away who he was immediately. All he could do was watch and wait.

When he knew River was alone, he would he get her.


Bonnie let out an odd happy purr as she nuzzles into Max. Jr, on the other hand, opted to climb up and sit atop Max's head, far more comfortable in the warmth of his hair.

Kevin chose to sit in the back seat since he was only getting dropped off. "Stefan called and said he'd stay with me until you pick me up tonight, Max." He said with an awkward smile. "He doesn't want to risk anything, even if Paul is sending her away."

Mr. Andrews glanced back at his son with worry in his eyes. "It's going to be fine, son. We'll figure it all out." He said.

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