09.03: Boston Bound

Bernice Summerfield was a definite MILF in Jamie’s eyes, though he would never say any such thing to her, or to anyone that might let it get back to her that he had said such a thing. He had learned to his cost never to tangle with this particular professor.
The fact that she wasn’t a mutant made a lot of people underestimate her, but she was formidable person. She was what the less enlightened mutants student referred to as a flat-scan, which was another big mistake to utter within her earshot. Jamie respected her probably more than he did Charles Xavier, but she had earned that respect.
Jamie understood what Cerebro was, what it could do anyway. He had tried interfacing with the machine and he had passed out. He really wished he could learn how to use the machine, finding mutants would be so much easier.
“It will be good to have you along Prof. Ugh. I suppose that means we are really going to another school!” he said smiling. Jamie knew he had a bad record, or a good one, at being expelled from schools, he did not need to be warned about making sure that he didn’t get chucked out of this one.

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