12: Ni-Bump-ght - Ayala and Dead Girl

Harry had no problem with Ayala taking the back seat, he had a bad feeling about the spear but she was clearly very attached to it.
He was so trying to forget the ‘zombitch’ reference that she had mentioned on their first meeting, but she went out of the way to make sure the appellation fitted.
He didn’t bother speaking to DeeGee in response to her sarcasm, because he would have sworn out loud. Instead he kept the tirade of expletives in his own head. She clearly was out of sorts at being clean, so he knew that he had been right to make Ms Swamp Thing bathe. He saw her heading for the garbage can and had a brief thought that she was going to do something else ghastly, adorn herself with something disgusting. She reminded Harry of Old Mrs Hedges from back home. That hadn’t been her name, no, it was related to her supposedly having been dragged through a hedge backwards. Lots of hedges. She was dirty and gross too and didn’t care.
The sooner this was over and done with the better.
“You are riding shotgun,” he told Jenny as he climbed into the car.
As they approached Salem Center all three could feel the sensation getting stronger. Harry pulled the car into a deserted parking lot.
“I think we need to explore on foot. I think I know what it is but locating it… I cannot get a focus on it, it’s powerful and trying to hide itself.”
Ayala could feel whatever it was quite strongly now but it was amorphous to her too. There were spirits here they might be of some use in tracking down whatever the disturbance was.
Jenny had never encountered anything like this since she died, but whilst it felt very different she was certain that it was no longer alive.
“OK ladies I know it’s night and there are few people around but you two can’t wander around in public… like that. You’re blue and the first person to see that spear will be calling the cops. It’s too dangerous for both of you. ‘Ere take these. Keep ‘em with you. The glamour effect will vanish if you lose them or they run out of power.”
Harry handed Ayala and Jenny each what looked like a small gem stone and he mumbled something incomprehensible to them.
To Jenny the rugged spear Ayala carried vanished although Ayala could still see and feel the weapon. Jenny’s skin tone changed, even in the streetlight she could see her skin tone looked pretty much normal.

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