12: Ni-Bump-ght

One thing Jenny found the oddest about this whole affair was this thing was how far away this thing set off her dead tingle. Usually, she had to be within the same block as a ghost. She did not like the implications of that.

Jenny was following Harry around keeping herself at a distance, if whatever it was attacked she thought it best if they weren't clumped together like a pile of food waiting for a bear to pounce. Jenny noticed it disappeared again. "Same thing happened last night." She said speaking to no one. "Harry is it usual for ghosts or revenants or whatever to appear and reappear which to us might seem at random? This thing set off my dead tingle last night then eventually disappeared that has never happened before so I wrote it off as nerves about the new place and a bunch of new people. But then it set off my dead tingle again tonight and now it's gone again." She hated using the phrase dead tingle but she couldn't think of a better name for it. She expected Harry to make a mean comment about the phrase.

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