19: Shen Li (Shen Li Post)

"That would help, my friends back at my old school, tried their best, but we often had to redo stuff constantly, mostly because they like to fool around," Shen remarked not quite wistful for the past, but just the experience that came from trying to make a quality product.

He actually gasped when Min showed him the media center. "This is amazing, I mean, I imagine this must be what PIXAR studios would look like." He had briefly forgotten mention of competing in Pentathlons, other than making a note to speak with Jamie Braddock. He was a really active boy, but he had such a deep passion for animation that this had a greater impact than the gym. "I could make an entire movie here... well a 30 minute feature in the time before graduation anyway. I almost feel like this had been made just for me."

He stopped and smiled realizing just how silly that sounded. Clearly the room had been create long before he had arrive, and probably not with him in mind, but he was still excited as if this had been his birthday gift.

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