17: Namor McKenzie

The refectory was light and decorated in welcoming greens that were easy on the eye. It was quite busy, mostly students with one or two staff.
There was a good selection of food from a variety of cuisines for Namor to choose from, and by the smell of it well prepared too. Ryusaku had gone down to the refectory shortly after his roommate, he didn’t follow him as such they were merely heading the same way. He entered while Namor was loading his plate up, he chose a healthy meal and moved away to a table on his own before Namor had finished piling.
“Hey, new boy,” someone called out and Namor saw a tall red headed girl had stood and was beckoning him over. The tables were octagonal so everyone faced inwards, there was a space next to the girl and a blond girl on the other side, she indicated he should sit.
“You have to be Namor right?” she said.
“Duh,” a blond boy said, “good guess dim bulb. Two newbies and the other is called Shen Li.”
“Oh shut it Gallo, why do you always have to be such a wise ass.”
Another blond boy across the table looked up, identical to the first boy, clearly aggrieved and said something in protest, what it was muffled because his mouth was full.
“Not you, your arse of a brother.”
The second blond accepted that with alacrity and went back to eating.
“That’s Min’s seat,” a dark skinned boy said.
“And min’s not here,” Angelica said, “we can shuffle up when he comes.”
“He’s probably seeing to this Shen guy, they are roomies,” Illyana chipped in.
Once he was sat introductions were made. The red head was Angie, Angelica.
“That’s Illyana.” A stunning petite blond.
“The twins you’ve met, Johnny and Gaius. You will work out which is which, one’s an arse the other isn’t. That’s Shakeel.” This guy was clearly mixed race but what the mix was Namor was too socially challenged to tell.
“Shak,” the tousle haired boy stood and shook hands, “welcome to Xaviers.”
“I’m Yvette,” a stunning black girl with an impressive array of perfect lightly beaded long braids.
“Anything male with a pulse. Ouch,” said twin one and got a powerful punch in the arm from Angelica.
“I guess that make you a girl then,” Yvette smirked.
As the squabbling took over the last girl introduced herself as Eva, Australian accent maybe a little younger than the others.
Namor became aware of a tapping and saw Illyana was slowly drumming the handle of her fork on the table top.
“If you are going to argue kiddies take it to the dojo.”
“Now who else do you need to know,” Angelica mused as she looked around. “Ah over there are Tom and Nori.” She indicated couple of people off to one side. A thin white guy, his blond hair really closely cropped at the sides sitting next to yet another Asian boy, this one had blue hair. "Resident lovebirds, totally saccharine."
“And those three over there are the X-Men,” Illyana said gesturing to the far side of the room where a trio of youths sat deep in conversation.
“Sexist much,” Angelica groaned.
“Excuse me, you started that.”
“Enough,” Yvette snapped, “we are not going over that again. Yet again.”
“Those three do field work, like helping rescue mutants in trouble.”
“Infiltrating Humanity First and the Purifiers,” someone else chipped in.
“We are all in training for that,” Eva said, like Yvette she wore a yellow t-shirt.
Namor noticed they were all wearing t-shirts with the Xaviers X logo on the sleeve at the shoulder, red, orange or yellow.
“We’ve all just got out of counter surveillance training,” Shakeel said. “Which is why we all have our training tees on on a Saturday.”

https://i.ibb.co/Z8JY6YH/Angelica-Jones-Firestar.jpg https://i.ibb.co/qjwWhYJ/Illyana-Rasputin.jpg https://i.ibb.co/3T1qrpY/Shakeel-Qadir-Dust.jpg https://i.ibb.co/wR5RMLq/113.jpg https://i.ibb.co/xCbFS9p/Noritaka-Ashida-Surge.png https://i.ibb.co/TRSpNjb/Yvette-Thomas-Synch.jpg https://i.ibb.co/St5dKCG/Eva-Bell-Tempus.jpg https://i.ibb.co/pjsFDdT/Gaius-Gallo-Rimbalzare.jpg https://i.ibb.co/jJmrQhT/Johnny-Gallo-Ricochet.jpg https://i.ibb.co/ZHf4f98/Sophie-Mantega-Dancer-aka-Wind-Dancer.jpg https://i.ibb.co/7bQctYy/Kang-Park-Min-Prestige.jpg

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