12: Ni-Bump-ght Part Two (Noah De Haan)

"The danger room is booked for specialist power training sessions, by members of the faculty," one of that same self faculty told Ayala when she asked, she couldn't remember his name.
Noah De Haan had heard the interaction and could tell that the new arrival was twitchy. He had been briefed by his fellow X-Man Harry Rutherford on what had happened in town and why he had taken a couple of untrained new arrivals with him.
One of said new arrivals was clearly quite agitated right now, which was why she was asking about the danger room.
"How about we go to the dojo and have a sparring session," Noah asked. "DO you was to come along too Dee Gee?"
He was well aware of Ayala being linguistically challenged, so he explained that this was practice not a fight to the death and if she could avoid seriously injuring him it would be appreciated.
He was Yondan in karate and had completed military level training in krav maga, added to which he had never met anyone with reflexes like his. Noah could dodge a bullet.

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