There and back again


It had not been difficult to leave the city a few days after the brutal confrontation against the Black Robes in the streets of Gra'akast. The city was in a celebratory mood. And despite the obvious battle near its quay and the blaze that ensued the focus of the authorities was on the preparations for war.

They had slipped out of the city under the cover of darkness and
a few days later joined one of the many caravans travelling south. They kept to themselves as much as they could but so did most others.

It was not long before other foreigners were travelling among the many caravans heading south and east. Mercenary and sells swords, brigands and ruffians, all coming for the promise of gold and plunder. All coming to sack the Stone City.

When Alexis, Voah, Gonyaul and Tarmen, reached Desdem and emerged from the desert they were gaunt, sun-stroked and bone tired.

Before deciding on the best course of action they seemed out Berus and Ekero.

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