The Unfortunate Ties That Bind

Something about Wim was bugging Islana even more than before. He just seemed not just privileged, which made him untrustworthy in the first place, but as he spoke his tone had turned noticeably colder.

Then there was Hendrick, talk of the Arbitrer came from his mouth. To be honest, Islana was not thinking of the Arbitrer when she took the deal with Omen. To her, there were worse fates even if that fate was rather grim.

Wim pulled a knife, Islana took a breath, "There is no need for violence. No one is threatening you."

Islana gave Hendrick her words first, "I believe we all be discreet about such matters. May I ask, if you were so suspicious of the old woman though, why did you want to camp with her?" After all, he had made that choice, just none of them had disagreed with him. Islana was far more curious than accusatory.

As for Wim, she addressed him, after Hendrick had either answered or ignored her query. "As for you, of noble breed. I am not convinced the price, you paid, was worth the reward. Coldness has enveloped you. I bet you are thinking right now of how to make money off the blood of those who will die. However, what you did was unselfish, I can not be certain you would make the same choice again."

Last was Jiyn, she stared at him for a moment, before speaking,her tone turning a little more gentle. "You appear to have come out on the better end of this. That is a good thing."

She took a breath, "We need a pack to never use this knowledge against one another. Something more binding than just our words."

Islana had never really trusted Wim. Her small trust she had gained with Hendrick had all but disappeared. Jiyn she didn't know well enough to decide much about him but it was best to be safe with all involved.

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