Evening Check In with Lorem

Jp with Lorem, Redsword and Cindy

Elizabeth then had Harold summon Lorem. She did not know what the Gnome had been up to since coming back from headquarters, so, checking in seemed like a good idea.

Not long after Harold departed, the petite gnome was announced and shown into the room for the meeting with Lady Elizabeth. She was dressed in her outfit from earlier today; however, one noticeable difference was the amount of graphite and metal shavings smudges on the outfit. In addition, it looked like her hands were covered in ink and graphite that was too stubborn to wash off before her meeting. She seemed happy, most likely because she was lost in her own little world inside the workshop. She had a spring in her step. Apparently clueless to what had transpired with the rest of the group that hadn’t returned to the house.

Lorem curtseyed politely and took her place before the others. “Welcome home Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung, how did the evening treat you all?”

"Miss Ipsum, our day, let's say, has been difficult. I can see by your clothing; it has been a productive day for you. I do ask, if you could clean up better next time before presenting yourself before Lady Elizabeth. Your skills are needed on this team. You are not in trouble or being disciplined. Just a lesson for any young upcoming lady," expressed Sung.

Lorem looked at herself and realized her behaviors working in the common industrial complex weren’t going to work as well in the more privileged parts of society. “Yes sir, I will strive to do better.” She cringed inwardly at the amount of wasted time it would take to clean up every time someone important wanted an audience. Especially since some messes were more difficult than others to clean. “I am sorry your day was difficult, did you at least solve the problem?” Challenges weren’t always pleasant to contend with, but a viable solution at the end of the struggle always made it worth it to her.

Elizabeth really wasn't going to say anything about Lorem’s appearance. She preferred to leave that to Sung, he seemed to be rather skilled at addressing those kinds of issues.

"One problem was solved, however there is a multitude of others to still be taken care of." Elizabeth explained. "Which brings me to the first reason I called you in. As you are aware, this job can possess certain dangers. Being at headquarters you will be well protected but I do ask you take precaution, if anything or anyone seems suspicious please let someone know. Unfortunately, our investigation is headed into dangerous territory and I just want you to remain safe."

Lorem fidgeted nervously with her hands at the idea of being in harms way. “I will take every precaution at my disposal my Lady. If I may, several things I will be working on with Miss Gemma should help curb some of the danger for us all. Or at least give us better odds.”

"I look forward to seeing those, when you feel they are ready to be shown." Elizabeth responded. She found Lorem to innovated and her designs quite fascinating. With that out of the way, "I also wanted to check in with you and see if there was anything you wanted to update us on or anything you might need ."

Lorem smiled and thought a while on Lady Elizabeth’s question. Off the top of her head, she couldn’t conjure up any needs that were not already being met, or exceeded. Though it was commonplace, once the daring and vulnerable creative process was underway that new, unforeseen, needs may arise. “Nothing at the moment milady; however, if something changes I will let you know.” She admired how considerate the leaders of their group were.

"The danger can be real if you are traveling to the Headquaters or working late in the shop even here at the house have someone nearby just in case. Is all we are asking," advised Sung with a smile. "My Lady and I are here for you if you need something," Sung said then sipped some tea.

Elizabeth nodded, "By all means feel free to let us know. That was all I had to discuss." She paused, as if suddenly recalling something, "I did mean to tell you Mr. Aster will be riding with you to headquarters tomorrow, he wants to use their library." She didn't think it was anything that major, she just didn't want Lorem unaware. Another brief pause. "That was all. We will see you at breakfast. Can you please have Harold get Mr. Aster for me."

Lorem affirmed both their comments with an agreeable nod. She was about to leave when she interjected. “Will I be expected to be driven to and fro headquarters, or may I drive my own vehicle?”

"You will be driven. If you want to drive your own vehicle in the future. There is paperwork you'll need to fill out, which will need to be approved and then the vehicle will need to be inspected at headquarters. They take a lot of precautions about such things." Elizabeth explained.

Lorem smiled “Understandable. Thank you. I will go inform Harold now.” She curtseyed to them both and left the room to inform Harold before returning back to her workshop.

Elizabeth watched Lorem leave and sipped her tea. It had been a trying day, and she was tired but they were about halfway though the meetings.

Sung sat back in his chair not looking any more energetic than Lady Elizabeth. "My Lady Leadership suits you," commented Sung. "Now you are getting the idea of how much energy can be taken out of you when you are a leader. So make sure you get rest," informed Sung. "Now I have said that, I think we need to have a policy that no one travels alone and at least two people at all times. I am sure Dr. Lemaire will have a good idea or be aware of us after our last encounter," advised Sung then took a sip of tea.

"Thank you, Mr. Sung. I will be certain to get adequate rest. Actually, tomorrow will be a rest day for those that were in the fight, if they chose." With the exception of the meeting, she had no plans in giving out assignments for tomorrow. "I fear you are likely correct. Traveling in pairs is an excellent idea. We will have to work out on how to accomplish that as I think certain members, like Miss Lagrave might prefer to do some work alone." Still it could be accomplished.

"Miss Lagrave could be an exception or at least have someone nearby for backup. I would be ok with that," said Sung. He smiled, "So, who is next on your list?" asked Sung.

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