Checking In With Dumont

JP with Omni, Redsword, and Cindy

Elizabeth ordered some fresh tea, as hers had gotten cold by this point. She sipped it, as the knock of the door happened.

Dumont had just finished bathing and checking the bruises that pocked his body. He would live, they would heal, but the trauma would remain.

He received word from Harold that his presence was requested by Lady Elizabeth, so he made sure to dress appropriately and made his way to the meeting where he found Elizabeth and Sung finishing their tea.

"Mr. Dumont, please take a seat." Elizabeth said. "I hope you are alright after our ordeal earlier."

Checking up with the man was only part of the reason she called him to her office, but a good place to start.

He did as he was bidden and found a seat as he spoke, “Ah… alright as can be I suppose. Merçi. I myself was wondering about the both of you.”

"Personally, for myself I believe a day or two of rest will be necessary to heal more fully. Lady Elise is quite good at healing, which is fortunate. Certainly, not too bad off." Elizabeth answered truthfully. She then gave Sung a chance to respond before continuing.

"I myself have been worse. I am just glad we all made it back and in one piece. I think without you being there things could have been worse Mr. Dumont," said Sung complimenting Dumont.

Elizabeth agreed with what Sung said. "I would definitely second that."

Moving on to other matters. "There was something I wanted you to be aware of. Mr. Cronk and myself came upon evidence that the Children of The Sea is still very much active. Mr. Aster came across information that one of Dr. Lemaire's relatives was a founding member. Possibly a grandfather. The plan currently is to have some of the team infiltrate the cult. It is my understanding that you are quite skilled in that kind of work, is that correct?" Elizabeth wanted to be absolutely certain he was as adept as his file made him to be, in this particular area.

Dumont didn’t feel like he did very much to help except to buy them some time before the “big guns” arrived, but he took the compliment with a smile.

“It was for certain a TEAM effort. I for one am blessed to have such a skilled group to work with. It is unfortunate we knew so little of these monsters before… it could have saved many lives.” said Dumont.

He shook off the grim memories of his previous experience when he lost his team and continued, “It is true. I do have experience in disguises and dealing with different organizations in various countries and castes, but it can be difficult to infiltrate certain factions who would find my looks… my heritage… disagreeable. In those cases I have to pass myself off as ‘the help’.”

He chuckled and shook his head at the absurdity of the beliefs of some people.

“I am sorry to say, I have had little luck in my experiences with Americans.”

"Well, the Americans do not have a particular love of any magic user, from what I understand. I hear they detest all Eldren, in particular." Elizabeth got back to the topic. "Tomorrow there will be a meeting of some of the team members, after lunch. The ones more on the front lines of the current investigation. Currently the idea is that Mr. Aster along with some others will be the ones infiltrating the cult. We will be coming up with plans for that, proceeding with the investigation and ways to keep team members as safe as possible. I wanted you to have time so you could think of ideas to possibly present tomorrow." Elizabeth explained.

“I see. I may need some details on this cult to better understand where and how we can surreptitiously gain access and penetrate their defenses.” Dumont replied.

"The Children of the Sea, originated in Greece about 80 years ago. They included mostly humans from Greece, England and France. They worship Arundan and hate Eldren. They feel Arundans should be the ones really in charge and are godlike. The cult spread fast but was thought to have died out about 50 years ago. That was until today. Mr. Cronk went into the office of a Mr. Sokratis Staniadis. As we were told Mr. Staniadis gave contact information about Dr. Lemaire to a potential customer. While Mr. Cronk was in the office, I found a door with stairs and when I went down the stairs found an underground temple for The Children. The building was at 115 Rue de Ives," Anyone who knew Paris would know that was a seedier part of it. Elizabeth didn't really know what other information he might need. "Would that be enough information to get you started?"

Dumont nodded as he took in the information, “Oui. I know the area. This is good information. I should like to case the area first. If we are to infiltrate… the BEST way is to actually be inducted into the society, assuming it can be managed. When not… it is imperative to know the security and points of egress well, create distractions, or to gain the trust of members through disguise or manipulation. It would be good to find out if they have magics that can read minds or see through illusions.”

Elizabeth nodded, "Good thoughts. Tomorrow we can plan how to accomplish all of that. I can give an outline of what I saw of the building and, hopefully, Mr. Cronk can give a good description of what he saw, as well."

“Bon. I hope you get some much needed rest. Mr. Sung, thank you again for your healing. Is there is anything else you wish to discuss?” he asked.

"No, that was all I had. Do let me know of there is anything you need." Elizabeth started. "Please, have Harold fetch Mr. Cronk for me. Thank you."

“Thank you, my Lady. I bid you both good evening.”

With that, the half-Eldren returned to his room making sure to inform Harold along the way.

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