The Alley

JP with Redsword, Lucian, and Cindy

Taking one more look around and making a mental note of everything Sung went first through the hidden door it led a little further in a tunnel then some stairs up to a door Sung cracked it open by the look of things he was a few blocks away in an alley. Sung opened the door more and stepped out seeing there was no danger he told Ritikios and Iris to come out too.

Upon arriving outside, the sounds of people could be heard but they didn't seem to be coming down the alley that Vor, Sung and Iris were in, at least for the moment.

The alley was a few blocks from the temple and a few more blocks from the docks.

Sung was hit with a feeling that something was wrong.

Iris looked nervous, as if she wasn't liking the situation but felt it wasn't her place to say anything.

About a block headed towards the docks, is a cab, which might look familiar to either Sung or Vor. In the corner of the driver's door was a small crescent moon, unnoticeable to most but it signaled the cab belonged to the Order.

Sung started to move then stopped and looked at Iris "Is there something we should know, Iris?" asked Sung in a firm but pleasant tone.

"I... I don't understand why no one is coming this way. I thought the congregation would scatter, but it sounds as if they are all staying together." Iris realized, she was assuming based on nothing more than noise but it sounded that way.

Vor looked between Sung and the path they had taken, unsure of just how bad this was going. if he was worried, than he felt like it wasn't very good.
Ritikios too a gentle tone with Iris, like a parent seeking the truth from a stubborn child.

"Where would they go? Surely there would be a secure place you all could escape to in such an event?"

Iris shook her head. "We were always just told to go to the tunnels, when they split turn right. And to scatter when we emerge. That was for the general group, I always thought the higher ups must have a safe place to go." The words came before Iris could stop them, leading her to take a step back from Ritikios and his assistant, as if worried about repercussions. "Forgive me, I know better than to question the leaders."

Sung wanted to say something comforting but letting it go was not his place in this situation. Sung did feel sorry for Iris. Sung could only hope this would turn out well for her.

Vor couldn't abide letting Ritikios punish the girl for things she clearly had little control of. He simply nodded to her response and turned to Sung.

"Whatever the case, I can assume they would put my safety above all else, but," he spoke as Ritikios, but asked Sung as Vor," your insight I value even more so. Do we continue and trust there isn't any treachery?"

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