Wanting for Help

JP with Lasersexpanther, madman, and Cindy

Cronk’s expression turn from anger to surprise to bemused. He began to chuckle, which soon turned to a chortle, then to boisterous laughter. “Masked One show him!”

He returned his attention to Lady Elizabeth. “Lady boss need help!”

Cronk recognized that he would need to carry both the captive and Lady Elizabeth. “Cronk need Masked One’s help.” He easily lifted the captive to his left shoulder.

The orc opponent began to stir. Cronk gave him a swift kick to the chin. The orc laid motionless.

“Help me lift Lady Boss,” he asked. This would be a balancing act, but Cronk was confident his strength could accomplish the task at hand.

Elizabeth remained unconscious. From the masked man, all that was heard was an occasional groan.

The sounds of people could be heard but they seemed to be headed in the other directions, as if they were purposely avoiding where the fight had taken place.

The cab was a few blocks away, in the direction of the dock, but not in the direction the sounds of the large group of people were headed. To get to Elizabeth's house would take quite a bit longer.

Before Cronk could lift Elizabeth, Sasha stopped him. "Wait a second Cronk." she said hurriedly "Let me check her, something could be broken and moving her might hurt her more."

Sasha worked quickly she wasn't an expert in medical practice but she knew field medicine. Gently checking the sides and back of her neck. Making sure her spine hadn't been broken. "We need to just leave them till help arrives. Cronk just scare anyone else off." she told him. "We need to stay put so they can find us."

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