Meeting The House Guests

JP with Zeeke, Omni and Cindy

Due to the unexpected events at the Exposition, Elizabeth and Sung had arrived home later than Elizabeth had initially planned.

They were greeted by Harvey, who almost instinctively knew they had entered the house. "Good day, Lady Elizabeth and Mr. Sung."

Henry had been with Elizabeth's family for many years. Not as many as Sung but certainly enough to gain a certain amount of trust.

"Good day, Harvey " Elizabeth greeted him. "I am pleased to say that our company will be coming to tea."

"Very good, miss." Henry then added. "Two gentlemen have arrived, they are currently in the parlor having refreshments."

Elizabeth realized quickly who that must be and turned to Sung. "Mr. Sung, if you please, will you check on the preparation for tea while I go greet our guests."

Elizabeth removed her hat and made her way into the parlor. "Gentlemen," She said upon seeing them. "I am Lady Elizabeth Ellington. Please forgive me for not being here to greet you personally. I am afraid I was unavoidably detained."

The Eldren paused for only a moment as if taking both men in. "You must be Mr. Dumont and you must be Lord Andrews." Of course, getting both correct as she had been given photos of each. "It's a pleasure to make both of your aquantances"

The men stood to give Tristin set the glass down as he rose. He had been sipping it slowly to enjoy the flavor. Drinking to much might be the noble thing to do but it interfered with his reaction time.

"Lady Ellington," he said moving to kiss each check like the French do.
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said politely as he regained the proper distance. Lady Ellington her due recognition.

“Enchantée. The pleasure is mine, my Lady.” Dumont said and took a bow. He took in her hand when it was offered for a quick greeting kiss as was the custom for both respect of a lady and submission to someone in higher social status. His lips touched the ring of the Order. His right hand was also graced by the same band.

Elizabeth smiled at both men. "Gentlemen, I do have guests coming for tea at 3 this afternoon. One of whom I am hoping to persuade to join our venture. I would normally invite both of you to join us but this particular possible member needs a little more care. If you would be so understanding. I will have one of the servants show you to your rooms. Feel free to get cleaned up, unpacked and aquanted with the house as it is your home for the foreseeable future, but I do need you to make yourselves scarce before 3. At 7 pm tonight we will have a meeting of the team to be followed by dinner. So, please arrive back here in time for that. Tea should be over about 5 PM."

It was nearing 1 PM which gave the two men time to get ready before venturing back out.

"One more thing." Both men already had the rings of the order so Elizabeth opened a small desk draw and pulled out vip pins for the expo. "These will get you to anything in the Exposition. May I suggest you both make a stop at the magic guild to check in prior to proceeding to other parts of Paris."

Elizabeth had one of the servants come in. "I am pleased to have both of you joining the team." The Eldren sincerely said.

The servant then waited for the men to be ready before escorted them to their rooms.

Dumont cocked his head slightly to the right to get his good ear closer to the Lady's voice. He took the Expo pin with a bow of the head, "Merci, Lady Elizabeth. I am at your service."

The Baron had informed him that the team would be composed of himself, the Baron's own daughter, her bodyguard and trainer Mr Sung Shun Shi, the Lord Andrews a thief, and an hunter named Lagrave who was charged with the intimidating task of recovering the Doctor Maximillian Jackal.

The man was said to be extremely dangerous and Dumont had already born witness to the aftermath of the doctor's exploits in the field of 'advanced science'. He hoped he didn't have to find out first hand as a victim of the self-exiled man.

This prospective member who was mentioned, Dumont knew was very likely the German gnome he had been informed about. A woman by the surname Ipsum.

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