Guilde de Magie

JP with Omni and Zeeke

Paris, France
Guilde de Magie
May 9, 1889 - Afternoon

The Mage guild in Bombay was not quite to the level of Paris.

"Did you hear that Tesla has been working on some sort of generator?" Tristin asked.
"The darn fool thinks that machines can replace magic!" Tristin continued.

Tristin was impressed with the man, but this was one of those statements that would get the old time mages to like you and Tristin wanted them to like him. To the mage guild Tesla was about as popular as the words "Home Rule" when talking about India.

The interior looked like a Gentleman's club. The walls panels were were made from oak, stained dark. The windows on the front of the building were small larger to the east and west. Tristin smiled at a young human woman that was carrying a.. Well, he was not sure what it was. But she was definitely worth smiling at.

An old man with a grey beard and a staff who was walking out stopped and spoke to him, "Careful boy, If to smile at them too much one might catch you and you will not have time for your lab."

The man laughed as he followed a older woman out of the building holding her hand.

"Was that Lord Tennyson?" Tristin asked.

The welcoming room had a few high back leather chairs with end tables and a proper fire place trying to drive out the coolness of the stones. The room had the small of old smoke, old books, and brandy.

Dumont was speechless as he took in the scene of distinguished people as well as the impressive size and grandeur of the interior. The reception hall of the Guilde de Magie was a large, high-ceilinged room with dark wood paneling and heavy curtains. The walls were hung with magically illuminated sconces and tapestries depicting magic-related scenes from history.

The floor was wooden veneered and waxed with decorative magical sigils that protected against certain magics. The first floor proper was situated further back and slightly elevated a few steps higher than the reception hall.

The men could see that it was decked with red carpet and lined with bookshelves and tables for reading. The ceiling there was lower with several thick pillars supporting the second floor above. In the far back, there was a large fireplace on one wall, and above it hung a portrait of Merlin.

Two wide, curving staircases, leading to a second floor with a balcony, were spaced about fifteen feet apart and braced the central entryway. The overall impression was one of elegance and mystery.

To the right of the entrance doors was a tall desk made of dark wood, covered with papers and books, behind which stood the registrar on an elevated platform. The desk was also carved and decorated with mystical symbols, no doubt protection from unwanted guests.

The registrar was a tall woman with long black hair and piercing blue eyes. She was wearing a black dress with a white collar.

When the two men entered the reception area, the registrar looked up from her work and down at them, curiously, as if knowing instantly that the two were not registered.

Appraising them for a moment, the woman finally smiled at them and spoke in French. "Welcome to the Guild of Magic. May I help you?" she asked.

“Oui, Madame. We are here to register with the Guilde.” said Dumont.

"Oh, very good." she said and a quill floated in the air beside her. "I am Magister Marie d'Aubigne. And what are your names?"

Dumont waited for Lord Andrews to introduce himself first before following up with his own information. When the magical quill had finished its flurry of scribbles, the registrar directed the two gentlemen to a corner of the room that was curtained off. Inside was a camera stand on one end and stool on the other.

"We just need to capture your arcanograph for our records." said the Magister.

Dumont and Lord Andrews had both heard of this unity of magic and technology. In the past it had only been applied to artwork such as sketches and paintings, but more recently it was being applied to photographic images.

The resulting image would always appear as a normal photograph or art piece to those who were not gifted with magic, but for those who were, they would see a sort of stereoscopic and animated image of the target as well as the corresponding auras that represented their aptitude in the various realms of magic.

Lord Andrews and Dumont both had their turn sitting on one end of the room on a stool as the arcanographer worked his magic. After they were finished, Magister d'Aubigne informed them that their fees were to be waved, noting the rings of the Order on their fingers. Henceforth, they would be welcome to explore the libraries and take class studies in the Guilds of Magic.

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