From the Tunnels To the Streets

JP with Omni, Redsword, mdman

Paris, France
Early Afternoon

Cronk sat on the rock thinking. He knew he followed Doctor Lemaire from the right. Yet Sung and Dumont hadn’t seen him to the left. Cronk was certain he was in the evil doctor’s trail.

Cronk stomped his foot in anger on a small rock next to the the rock upon which he sat. Cranks and gears could be heard working coming from below Cronk. It appeared to Cronk that he was getting smaller. In actuality, the rock he sat upon was sinking into the floor of the tunnel, revealing a hole in the tunnel wall. A passageway could be seen leading upward toward the streets of Paris.

"It appears our docteur is very familiar with these tunnels..."

It was a disturbing thought for Dumont that he didn't know about some of these hidden doors in the tunnels of Paris, his childhood playground. There was only one way the man could have gone and it was out. Hopefully there would be something more along the way to determine which direction the docteur was headed from here.

Together, the group headed up and into a back alleyway.

Cronk didn’t comprehend what had happened. To him, it wa magic. The wall was there, then it wasn’t. He was amazed when he walked through where the wall once stood.

As the three entered the passageway, the wall began to close behind them. Now, Cronk felt imprisoned, as the space was small for the three. He stayed back and followed the two men before him.

When they exited the passageway and into the alley, Cronk took some deep breaths, being relieved to be out of the tight space. The fresh air seemed to clear the stagnant air from within his lungs.

“Cronk nowhere to go,” he stated. “Long way from Dublin.”

Sung stopped and look back at Cronk the look was with some suspicion. "How did you get to France then?" Sung asked politely the large Orc.

Cronk shrugged his massive shoulders. “Boss bring Cronk. Cronk rode iron boat with Boss. Then air boat.” Cronk’s stomach rolled just talking about the rocky journey.

Cronk was not one to lead. He needed someone to follow. Someone for whom to perform tasks.

“Boss dead,” he added. “Cronk need new Boss.”

Inspecting the ground for any further clues, Dumont notice the distinct shape of partial wet shoe prints leading out into the streets.

He stood up and closed the cowl on the lantern as they would no longer be needing it.

“I think for now, Monsieur Cronk, you should stay with us. Do you agree, Mr Sung?” he suggested.

Sung was satisfied with Cronk's answer. "I am sorry you got dragged into this. The loss of your friend is horrible. I will take you to Lady Elisabeth who should help you, Cronk," said Sung sincerely. Turning "Mr. Dumont, I am not a good tracker when it comes to the city. You seem to have skill. But I am sure we will lose the Doctor on the street. "Yes, Cronk stay, please. Besides we do have food. and a place to stay. You are also a witness to the evil doctor which will help us find him." explained Sung.

"We need to head back to the house and turn over the syringe to Doctor Jackal. said Sung starting to walk towards the street.

Cronk heard the name Doctor Jackal. He couldn’t remember the name of the evil doctor. He thought it was something like Le Mare.

However, Cronk was wary of someone called doctor. For all he new, they dealt in death.

“You take Cronk to evil doctor?” Cronk asked, trodding along beside them. With the Ode’ de Fleur from scent gone after spending so much time and working in the tunnels, people walked by, waving their hands to fan away the smell.

Sung stopped and smiled at Cronk. "Doctor Jackal is a good doctor the other Doctor Laurent Lemaire stole from Doctor Jackal and turn everything into evil. You will be ok Cronk with us," replied Sung.

Cronk waved at the people, who waved toward him as they passed. He didn’t know them, but the seemed nice. Almost everyone waved their hand toward Cronk.

“Paris nice people!” Cronk exclaimed.

Cronk shook his head in an affirmative manner. “You good to Cronk. What Cronk do for you?”

Seeing no further traces of Doctor Lemaire, Dumont stopped moving. They were going to have to try again through other means. He had a few underground contacts in the criminal world that he could ask. Perhaps they could tell where the docteur was staying.

“I’m afraid your right, Mr Sung. The streets are too busy to track him like this.“ he said. “I…”

At Cronk’s mention of nice people, Dumont looked up and spotted Gemma and her steam coach. She was one of the many who waved at Cronk.

“Oi, mon Grande! Mr Sung! Fancy seein’ the two of ye here. I was just on my way ta the rendezvous. Picked up a new friend have we? ‘ello, there!” she said and put a hand up to greet them.

“Mon petite!” Dumont shouted and turned to the others. “Impeccable timing. Mon dieu, ‘tis as if the woman had a sixth sense.”

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