Talk with a Dr. about a Dr. (Part 2)

JP with Jaxx, Lasersexpanther and Cindy

Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully, "That does give us more things to investigate, thank you Doctor." The Eldren paused. "I hope the lab is to your liking." She had one of the scientists that worked for headquarters help set it up, and had double checked it herself but still it could be missing something or there be something that had not been thought of.

Dr. Jackal nodded and replied, "It is an amazing lab indeed. My old lab paled in comparison. I am humbled that you had such a place made for me to use in a short time. Many members from the science guild would be very jealous if they caught wind of this. So I have no complaints at all. It was also very generous to assign a maid to aid me with meals and coffee or else I might neglect my health."

"I am glad that you like it. I do understand what it is like to be so wrapped up in research that you forget to eat or do much of anything. So you are welcomed for the maid but it was of no inconvenience." She had a maid assigned to Lorem as well and for similar reasons. "I certainly do not need members of my team passing out from lack of food." Elizabeth commented with a light half-joking tone.

Dr. Jackal smiled at the joke and replied, "Indeed. I certainly do appreciate the posh environment. Considering I was a shut in scientist before my .....accident...... and my meager lifestyle while on the run ......... I have come to appreciate the little things in life such as proper hygiene, good food, a bed and a proper job of sorts."

"I am glad you are able to not be in those conditions any longer." Elizabeth face softened, "I do realize it might seem a like a gilded cage but if you need to get off the estate on occasion, let me know. I am certain something can be arranged."

Dr. Jackal nodded at Lady Elizabeth as he replied, "Thank you Lady Elizabeth. I knew I was entering a golden cage when I first agreed to all this in the beginning. Anyone with the political and monetary pull to get, me of all people, a royal pardon without any conditions would be considered mad by any definition. If such a time comes that I need anything I will consult you or Mr. Sung properly."

"Please do so." Elizabeth responded. "I feel I must warn you about Baron Greenwood, the leader of the Paris headquarters. He is a bit, well, let us say... he does not like it when things do not go smoothly with one of his teams. He might have a thing or two to say about yesterday." She figured it was better the man knew ahead of time.

Dr. Jackal shrugged as he knew where this was going. He replied, "Understood. I'll refrain from speaking unless needed. I had to deal with men like him in the university as well as Science Guild. They tend to have a "Do as I say and not as I do" attitude as well as a twisted concept of patience and understanding. Its typical of men who want to feel superior and like to look down on others."

Sasha had been dividing her attention between the conversations "Excusez moi Docteur." Sasha said turning to Dr. Jackal. "A thought has just occurred to me, or rather something just came to mind in regards to the hemlock conundrum."

Dr. Jackal looked at Sasha as he was curious what she had to say on the topic. He asked, "Do tell."

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