Image of Felix Santiago

Summary: A scatterbrained but kind wandering doctor

Felix Santiago

Owned by:

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Group: Wastelanders

Physical Appearance

He looks sickly and pale, but his bright green eyes betray youthful vigor, he is tall (roughly 6'2) and skinny (130 lbs) with a slash scar running from ear to ear directly across his nose.


He wanders mostly doing odd jobs and trying to aid in any way he can


2x stimpacks
Medical supplies
9mm pistol
40 9mm rounds
50 caps
Combat boots

Personality and interests

He is a curious sort, traveling where he pleases and trying to do some good along the way, he tends to lose track of his sentences and hyper fixate on the task at hand





Small arms



Born to raider parents he was promptly abandoned, he was found by a group of wastelanders who treated him well, when he was older, he found his passion for medicine after his surrogate father was injured by a gekko, when he was 16 his wanderlust caused him to leave home and wander the wastes.

Favourite Sayings

Off to the next interesting thing i guess

Yup this is a pickle

*Tuneless humming*

Favourite food

Whatever he can get his hands on

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