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View character profile for: Riley

View character profile for: Alex

View character profile for: Annie

View character profile for: Klaire Roth
The Power Of Allies
Annie shifted in her seat for a moment, thinking. “I...I could get in touch with my old group, see if they know anything.” She offered to Riley. It wasn't like she was on bad terms with the raiders she's separated from, but she hadn't been in contact with them either. What if they didn't approve of her current lifestyle? Not that they had any right to judge considering what they were, but still...she'd always wanted to keep their approval, especially the leader, who had been a big brother figure to her for so long.
“We'll need to find an old junkyard to see if we can find them, though.” She added. Her old group never did attack people much – they usually just raided old junkyards and used that to their advantage.
She wondered how they all were doing, honestly...
Klaire looked over at Alex and snorted as she pulled out one of her guns and started to take it apart to clean and repair it. Tapping her nose for a moment, she smirked. “You smell too clean to be a raider or a townie.” She explained. “But not so clean to be a vault dweller.” It was simple observation for her and being an experiment, she couldn't help but notice certain smells that stuck to types of people.
As she started to do some repairs on her rifle, she glanced at him. “Just so long as you don't cause me trouble, we'll be fine, got it?” She wasn't looking for trouble, in all honestly. “I won't rat you out to anyone, but don't ever expect me to join your lot either. I've never gotten along with the brotherhood, no matter where I go. Most of the time they shoot first and ask questions later because the moment they see these-” She pointed to her dog ears. “-they freak out and often attack. I'm shocked you didn't, but that just proves you're not as brainwashed as most of them.”