Butterfly Effect

Benny's heart pounded in his chest as he stood over the lifeless body of the Courier. The dust and heat of the Mojave Wasteland surrounded him, a fitting backdrop for the final act of his treacherous plan. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

His hands trembled, holding the sleek 9mm pistol that had fired the fateful shot. Benny's eyes narrowed as he looked down at the figure sprawled on the ground. He'd planned this meticulously, but a lingering doubt gnawed at the back of his mind. What if the shot hadn't been fatal? What if he hadn't finished the job?

With determination, Benny knelt beside the Courier's body, his breath ragged in his throat. He had to be sure. He placed a gloved hand on the Courier's neck, searching for a pulse. His fingers felt the faintest hint of a beat, a rhythm so weak it was almost imperceptible.

His heart raced faster. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. The Courier was supposed to be dead, a stepping stone to his grand plans for New Vegas. Benny's mind raced, contemplating the consequences of his actions. He couldn't afford any loose ends, any witnesses to his betrayal.

Gritting his teeth, Benny reached for his pistol, holding it with a determined grip. He hesitated for a moment, his conscience warring with his ambition. But in the end, ambition won out. He couldn't afford to leave any traces of his betrayal.

With a sharp inhale, Benny squeezed the trigger twice, the gunshots echoing in the desert night. The Courier's body twitched briefly before falling still, the feeble pulse extinguished. Benny's hands were steady now, his resolve firm. He wiped the sweat from his brow and stood up, holstering the pistol.

As the reality of what he'd done settled over him, Benny's expression shifted from anxiety to cold determination. He'd faced danger before, and he wasn't about to let a moment of weakness undermine his carefully constructed plans. With a last look at the lifeless figure at his feet, Benny turned and walked away, his mind already racing ahead to the power and riches that awaited him in New Vegas.

Little did he know that the Mojave Wasteland was a place of uncertainty and unexpected twists. The story of Benny and the Courier was far from over, and the consequences of his actions would reverberate throughout the wasteland in ways he could never have imagined.

Next > : Meet the Ranger