Checking out the locals

The following morning after the soldiers passed by Jazz and Erin the rest of the merchant caravan proceeded onto Goodsprings. In Goodsprings the merchant began buying and peddling his wares to the Goodsprings locals. Jazz took some time to investigate the soldiers she saw. Jazz spoke to several locals in the Goodsprings about the soldiers. She discovered they were Caesar's Legion. The other caravan guards were partaking in the local amenities, most of the caravan guards were in the bar throwing back moonshine at the saloon. Erin on the otherhand was trying out the locals themselves.

Arabella left the dino motel and proceeded to Vegas. Upon arrival she began assessing the security situation, it was a habit she picked up with the Brotherhood. She found Vegas to be vary lacking in security. A full contingent of Brotherhood soldiers could wipe out and take this place. She checked out

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