Characters in this post

View character profile for: Duncan Beck

View character profile for: Laurent Duval

View character profile for: Isobel Parker
The show was over and the sky was a sheet of black, Beck had searched endlessly for the Veteran to no avail. He had decided to take sanctuary in the dew soaked long grass and somehow he managed to get a few hours of sleep, it was painful ache inducing sleep but sleep nonetheless.
He forced his eyes open and let out a long yawn, that reverberated deep within his chest. Using the back of both elbows he propelled himself out of the grass and the dirt, both arms raised without mental instruction above his head. Then he saw something, a light in the distance. The lights of a structure, the arrangement of said lights implied Department construction. They had a certain pattern they liked to follow with how they arranged their lights. Something every trespasser knew.
He felt compelled to go forwards, towards those lights. Maybe they had the Veteran? Maybe they were testing some new machine which sucked him up and spat him out inside that facility of theirs? Beck didn't know anymore. He just wanted to find his friend. Soon he was right before the metal fencing that surrounded the Department building.
Inside was Laurent Duval, the large pale man was in a fit of rage. All their communication systems with the outside world had gone haywire. He knew that the higher ups within government would try to have his head on a stake for this. He summoned his assistant Isobel to the room with an echoing roar: "Isobel, I need you now!"
"Sorry, everything has gone to the dogs downstairs. Apparently the Gov are trying to get in contact but everything is-"
"Out, yes I realise that Isobel!" Laurent said interrupting his assistant mid-sentence. "I need you to do all you can to restore the connections. Order security to investigate any relays or external connections. Is that understood?"
"Yes, sorry, right away." Isoble hurried off to deal with the problem, Laurent watched as she left in a flash. He leant back as far as his chair would allow him, scratching at one of his chins in frustation.