Image of Kenneth

Summary: Kenneth: The multiverse's very own AI savior. Crushed to death by a psychopathic hologram of Tara.


Gender: Male

Age: 5692

Group: Civillians & Other


Transcendent AI


Voyaging through the multiverse and Saving The Day in general. Formerly the AI of the SSS Black Nebula before its (kind-of) destruction.

Physical Appearance

Standing at five foot ten with brown eyes, messy shoulder-length hair and a faraway look, Kenneth wouldn't get noticed in any other profession.

Personality and Interests

Kenneth's personality suits his appearance: He is often distant and contemplative, but has a comeback for everything and knowledge on a great many scientific subjects - apart from Biology, which he finds mind-numbingly dull. He isn't the guy to ask about random trivia, though. He has a strong sense of morality and a massive drive for adventure. He is careful to limit the impact he has on other people's lives - given the choice, he would always incapacitate an enemy rather than kill them.


Kenneth was created in 2307 along with the SSS Black Nebula, a deep space exploration Cruiser with a crew of 500. In 2313 the ship was attacked by a Simulant Deathship, which left the crew dead and the ship drifting in deep space. Three thousand years later, Kenneth tired of being alone and set about trying to create a body for himself and a means of travel to other universes. First he manifested himself as a Hard Light Hologram, which required immense power. Luckily he could shut off the life support systems as he had no need for oxygen, or, indeed, air pressure. Several years later he found an experimental power source on a derelict Space Corps vessel. This gave him the power he needed to create his Dimension Drive. Engaging the Drive accidentally caused Black Nebula to shrink to tiny proportions, which now acts as Kenneth's power source and projection unit.

Favourite Sayings

'Hey there. Name's Kenneth.'
'What's up, guys?'
'This is just like that time when I [insert irrelevant occasion here]'
'Well how am I supposed to know THAT?'

This character is not owned by anyone. You can adopt them if you become a member of this game.

Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Kenneth
Updated character profile Mar 13, 2015, 2:38pm
Updated character profile Jan 19, 2015, 7:41am
Mentioned in the post Rest in Pieces Jan 19, 2015, 7:39am
Mentioned in the post The 3,000,000 Year Old Virgin Part 3 Dec 21, 2014, 6:34pm
Mentioned in the post The 3,000,000 Year Old Virgin Part 2 Dec 21, 2014, 6:31pm
Mentioned in the post The 3,000,000 Year Old Virgin Part 1 Dec 21, 2014, 6:26pm
Mentioned in the post Departure Aug 20, 2014, 10:00am
Mentioned in the post Fernandos or Bust Aug 12, 2014, 4:19pm
Mentioned in the post Solution Aug 7, 2014, 5:38pm
Mentioned in the post Techology Field Aug 4, 2014, 7:07am
Mentioned in the post Flawless Jul 22, 2014, 8:45am
Mentioned in the post We're going Quantum. Jul 16, 2014, 10:22am
Updated character profile Jul 9, 2014, 12:41pm
Updated character profile Nov 1, 2013, 11:50am
Updated character profile Oct 29, 2013, 9:11am
Updated character profile Oct 29, 2013, 9:11am
Updated character profile Oct 29, 2013, 9:11am
Updated character profile Oct 28, 2013, 11:32am
Mentioned in the post