Amber and Mel meet

Mel groaned again. 'Too much information', she thought, trying to think of sheep. She had been up to 423 sheep, all endlessly jumping over a wooden picket fence. She stood up, observing her new roomie. Still half asleep, it took her a long time to establish the concept that Amber was still standing there, awaiting a reply. Mel stook out her hand, hoping for it to be shook. Success! "Pleased to meet you, I'm Melissa Stratum. Well, I'm not exactly what you would call criminally insane, but I can still go raving mad!" she chuckled. Amber's expression didn't change. The joke hadn't gone down. The ice had not broken. Mel cleared her throat. "I'm from Leda. You know - Jupiters' smallest moon? There's plenty more about me but I'm sure we'll establish that later." she jeered in a sense of fake optimism. Amber jumped up on her bed, not saying anything else. Mel, feeling a sense of disappointment and embarrassment, also went back to bed.   424...425...426...
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