Action - N Deck

When: Just after Blue Dwarf entered the wormhole.
Who: Davie Jones, Blue Dwarf security personnel, and SC Marines.
Where: N deck, aft corridor.
Davie ran down the corridor, laser rifle in hand, heading for where the space
corp. marines were cutting their way into the ship. His boots clanging on hard
metal grates on the floor as he moved as fast as he could towards the air locks
through which they were being boarded. No doubt the Blue Dwarf security crews
were already there, with more heading in as back-up each minute.
As Davie drew nearer to his destination he could hear laser blasts growing
steadily louder. He slowed down to a halt near a corner and peered round it to
space corp. marines and Blue Dwarf security forces engaged in a pitched battle.
He had heard over the intercom that the security personnel weren't supposed to
use lethal force, so he stocked up on tear gas canisters and flash grenades from
the armory on the way there, tossing them all into a bag on his back.
He took off the back pack and held it in his left hand and with his free hand
brandished his rifle. The captain told the crew not to use lethal force, but
then again, he wasn't an official part of the crew. He rounded the corner, head
down and dashed towards a temporary firing position set up by the security
force. Dropping down behind it, he shouted over the din battle to a security
officer who was issuing orders to the rest of the security team. "How are you
guys holding up?"
"Barely!" responded the security Sgt., obviously flustered, oozing blood from a
deep gash in his forehead, "We've got to stop the flow of these guys! They just
keep coming!"
"I have an idea," shouted Davie as he reached into the back pack lying at his
side, "but I need covering fire from you and your men."
"Not a problem, just tell us when!" replied the Sgt. Davie pulled a small, grey,
heavy looking pouch out of the back pack, and undid a flap on top of it to
reveal a set of dials and readouts, with one large red button right in the
middle of it all. "What is that?" asked the Sgt. "It's a mining charge," said
Davie, half smiling, "I grabbed it from the armory on the way up." He picked up
a tear gas canister and pulled the pin, hurling it towards the marines at the
far end of the corridor, the air lock door between them and him. "Covering
fire!!" shout Davie at the top of his lungs.
After a few short bursts of fire from the security crew, he leapt over the
barricade holding the charge in his left hand and his rifle in his right.
Running as fast as he could towards the open air lock he fired a short bust at
the blinded marines at the end of the corridor. When he reached the air lock he
let his rifle swing to his side, dangling from the sling on his shoulder. He
pressed the large red button in center of the charge, starting the five second
fuse, and hurled it through the open air lock and into the docking tube, just
before slamming his fist down hard on the emergency close button next to the air
lock door. The door slid closed with a hiss as Davie spun around and hurdled
himself back towards the barricade.
A loud explosion reverberated through the thick metal hull of Blue Dwarf,
rattling the teeth of marines and Blue Dwarf security alike. Davie sat up and
peered out of a nearby port hole to see a mangled and destroyed docking tube.
Spot fires burning allover the heap of twisted metal, fueled by the oxygen now
pouring out of the Space Corp. warship's open air lock.

< Prev : Rosette & Rufus - "Cash My Golden Paradox" Next > : A vacation in the airvents.