Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Re: Cassandra: Guardian angel

Would love you to, but as you have seen in the latest post, we can't.
On Aug 3, 2011 1:10 AM, "Not Sure" <edgeofreallity@...> wrote:> (In character)Chief? Amber? Would you like me to shoot them?
> Hey, it's just a thought...> --- In, "andylocke@..." <andylocke@...> wrote:>>>> >> <snip>
>> Rosette aimed her gun towards them all, and called out to them. "Drop any weapons you have, and I might not shoot you in the face.">> >> "And I hope you're proud that you followed someone to this length who wasn't even human." she added as an afterthought. "If she was sent here for a reason, it might even go all the way through the JMC."
>> </snip>>> >> Cassandra raised her eyebrows>> "That's extremely rich coming from some mongrel insect / human cross" she drawled>> Snarling, Rosette bought her weapon to bear on the woman who, as far as she knew, had murdered Rufus
>> "Give me one good reason not to smegging well kill you right now!" she snapped>> "Huh" Cassandra smiled coldly "Did I touch a nerve...?">> Rosette gently squeezed the guns trigger, the weapons mechanism clicking softly as the firing pin drew back
>> "Drop and spread them!" she snarled "I want you down on the floor right now, you smegging bitch!">> Cassandra sighed>> "That's exactly what Fifi used to say..."
>> "Damn it!" Rosette let out a short, furious scream of frustration and fired a warning shot off over Cassandra's shoulder, making her cringe in shock and surprise>> "You..." Cass started, her eyes narrowing
>> "Get. On the floor. Now. You murderous bitch!" Rosette snarled in a clipped voice>> "Oh, stop this smegging stupidity right now!" another voice rang through the air, making everyone turn and stare in surprise as Brittany, dressed in a smart white trouser suit, strode into view
>> Rosette only momentarily distracted focused her attention and weapon back onto Cassandra>> "Your Majesty" she began "This really isn't safe for you here...">> Brittany and Cassandra exchanged glances, Cassandra finally favouring Rosette with disdainful sneer
>> "Stick your smegging orders! I invoke diplomatic immunity!">> Rosette very nearly shot her>> "What!?" she spat, her eyes darting wildly between Brittany and Cassandra "You've got to be smegging joking!?"
>> Brittany raised her eyebrows, the faintest hint of a smile perhaps played across her lips>> "Granted" she said mildly>> "What the smeg!?" Rosette rounded on Brittany "How can you even think of granting this woman diplomatic immunity!? She's nothing but a remorseless, evil, murdering bitch!"
>> "An eye for an eye sweetheart!" Cass spat "You fired the first shot!">> "Shut the smeg up!" Brittany snapped, asserting control once again "You are not helping!"
>> She sighed before she continued>> "Evil is an extremely subjective term LaChance. But more is the point: We aren't yet in full possession of the facts here" >> She paused to nod down at Castillo's corpse
>> "For example: We don't know who or what she was" she continued "That grey stuff could be blood, or even coolant. Just to speculate wildly, you may have just murdered an artificial person; a sentient accorded full citizenship rights by dozens of nations - including, might I add, the United Kingdom; the jurisdiction under which this very ship operates"
>> Rosette glanced sceptically down at the body, but there wasn't much to see other than a ruin of grey 'blood' (if that's what it really was) and matted blonde hair>> "But she was smegging nuts!" she protested
>> "Indubitably" Brittany retorted "But it would explain how other JMC ships apparently have their own Castillo's: Mass production of the same model, each with a similar neurological programming glitch? - it would explain the aberrant behaviour we've seen"
>> Amber piped up>> "I'm not having this crap Brittany! As Captain of this ship...">> "You will address me as 'Your Majesty'!" Brittany rounded on an astonished Amber "And as for you being Captain, I have to ask: By what authority, and for how long do you expect you'll remain so!? You and your cohorts ignored the defined Space Corp procedures for replacing a captain deemed unfit for duty, and instead embarked upon guerrilla warfare; this is still a JMC ship and such, a court martial will likely view you as little better than mutineers!"
>> Cassandra, a broad, gloating smile on her face, strolled over to stand next to Brittany>> She winked at Rosette>> "Better luck next time toots...">> Brittany rounded on her
>> "One more word" she snapped, holding a single slim finger up in her face "I mean it. One more word from you, and I revoke the smegging diplomatic immunity that's keeping you alive.">> She turned on a heel and strode off leaving everyone speechless
>> "We're leaving" she shouted over her shoulder "...Now!">> >> Cassandra hurried after her>> >> <tag / tbc/>>>> >

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