Fire in the hole

“It's Keto,” said Cassandra, turning the jar in her hands over and over, watching the gel sloop around. “Good was never part of his personality. Anyway, how much of this should I be throwing?”

Phi shrugged. “I’ve never seen it applied to any situation. It’s up to you!”

“Huh” Cass shrugged, eyeing the approaching zombies with an appraisive eye “In that case, and what with it exploding on contact with the atmosphere, I don't think I'll bother cracking the pot open to measure it out, or anything....”
“I assume that even Keto wouldn't have packed the equivalent of a small nuke into a pot you can only throw a few tens of metres?” she enquired, looking sidelong in askance at Phi “Only, seeing as though we're in a corridor, a large blast will just get funnelled straight down towards us”
Phi rolled her eyes
“I'm sure Charles wouldn’t have done anything quite so stupid” she smiled “...Erm, those zombies are getting closer, you know?”
“Yeah...” Cass frowned “Just checking; you don’t think it'll pierce the bulkhead between us and all that Hydrogen Cyanide, do you? Only, bad things will...”
“Just bloody well throw the stuff, will you!?” White Wolf snapped
“Okay, okay! Keep your pelt on!” Cass hefted the jar in her hand a couple of times before hurling it down the corridor towards the zombies “Let's have it!”

The jar spiralled through the air, before finally shattering at the feet of the approaching corpses and spilling the red ointment contained within, which combusted immediately; a small fireball engulfing the walkers with a vigorous whoomph, sending a hot blast wave back down the corridor towards Cass and the others, making them flinch in surprise
“Woah!” Cass coughed, blinking her watering eyes “That seemed to do it!”
“Nope, not quite!” White Wolf pointed grimly into the inferno now burning in the corridor beyond “Look, there!”
Cass stared out into the flames and sure enough, she was able to see several figures still moving deep within the conflagration
“Bloody hell” she muttered, fumbling inexpertly for her gun as the first two of the zombies staggered out from the fire, their melting flesh dripping from blackening bones, leaving a messy, spattered trail of burning tallow as they lurched towards the two women and the hamster

Cass squeezed off a couple of shots as the zombies stumbled nearer, before stopping and looking between her two companions in panic
“Am I the only one with a smegging gun here!?” she screeched
“Well...” White Wolf shrugged “I wasn't given one when I was abandoned here; how about you Ms. Moreau? Do you have one?”
Phi shook her head, backing away from the approaching zombies by a couple of steps
“Side-arms weren't standard issue for medical staff” she stammered as a couple more of the creatures emerged from the fire
“Smeg's sake!” Cass spat as she turned to fire off another volley, felling one of the creatures with a lucky head shot “I'm going to kick your smegging arse for this Jay!”
“Keep firing!” White Wolf shouted in encouragement “You're doing great! Just another three... No... five to go!”
“Oh, smegging arse smeg!” Cass snarled, just blowing ineffectual chunks out of the nearest zombie as it stumbled closer “I can't even aim this smegging thing properly!”

At this point, a dirt smeared and cracked monitor on the wall to their right flickered to life, with Holly's leering demonic visage just visible beneath the layers of encrusted filth
“Perfect” he hissed in satisfaction as, unbidden, the Drive Room doors slid open to their left, the heavy, bitter scent of burnt almonds immediately filling the air around them
Cass stared dumbly at the open doors for a couple of seconds, her eyes widening with panic, before she wordlessly turned to run down the corridor away from the zombies, grabbing and dragging her companions along with her for a couple of paces before letting go to careen ahead of them
“Run!” she screamed, her hair streaming behind her as she sprinted away as fast as she was able

The others didn't need much more than poisonous gas as encouragement, but after rounding a corner and vaulting down the flight of stairs that lay beyond, they comprehended Cassandra's panicked urgency, as the burning zombies finally met with the Drive Room full of Hydrogen Cyanide and the air behind them lit with a massive explosion, sending a hot blast wave down the stairwell, blowing them painfully off their feet and to the floor as a fireball licked across the ceiling above them, scorching it black
“Bloody hell” Cass coughed, rolling over onto her back and taking a few ragged breaths “That was too smegging close!”
She sat up with a groan looked around
“Is everyone alright?”

Looks like evil, devious Holly with his big IQ planned all that – it may have cleared the gas, but how bad is the damage to the Drive Room?

And Stanley – If you want to jump in, feel free - you kinda got missed in the panic with all the cyanide earlier :)

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