Strange Company, Indeed.

<I am very sorry for the delay in posting. I've had a crazy 6 months. Kept planning to chip in again then things got more intense (IRL) and I missed many posts. I've just read them all. So. Many. Posts! Ha! Thank you very much for taking Alex along with you. (Though I'm no longer tagged in the posts I used to be and there currently doesn't seem that option! Also my character description has gone but the original Onion post of it is there, so I can copy and paste it.) Sorry if this sucks but it's 3am...>

"Hey guys, wait up" Alex pounded down the grey corridoor behind the motley, chattering, crew.
"For Goodness' sake, do keep up, man" grumped Seymour.
"Oh don't start, I was checking my old locker for something."
"'Don't start'? How dare you speak to me like that! A lowly grease monkey. I'm soon to be your captain, I'll have you know."
"Not if I have anything to do with it." Mumbled Alex.
"Smokes?" Said Cass, suddenly interested.
"Yeah, but I found something else which-"
"Those things are very bad for you, you know." Phi called from the group in front who had slowed to let the others catch up on hearing Alex's call.
"Yeh, well. Not much these days that ain't, it seems." Said Alex. "Anyway I-"

They all jumped as Seymour squealed.
"What the SMEG, Seymour?" Cass shot him a glare.
He pointed. They all looked. Nothing.

"What's he going on about now?" Jay called from the front.
"Nuthin'" Said Alex. "He's space loopy."
"A head." Blurted Seymour. "A disembodied head."
Davie scoffed, a couple of the others looked a little unsettled.

Jay came down the flank of the group just as the head poked through the wall again then disappeared.
"See? I told you!" Niples was smug. Worried but smug. "I do hope we're not going to have to add ghosts to the list of unsanitary creatures aboard..."
"Hello?" Jay stepped into the medi bay storage room to find a scrawny and bashful looking young man.
The others bundled in after him.

"Holy smeg... Justin?"

< Prev : Whatever happened to Justin Pancake? Next > : "Captain Cucumber?"