oh god not againn

"thanks tomas"said tomas as the other tomas straightened tomas's bow tie.
"no problem tomas ,wow isn'this -"
"cool yeah it is but the best thing is that-"
"no one but that scutter knows-"
"that i exist"
"thanks tomas but can i just finish at least-"
"one sentence withouit me butting in ?"
"we could use this to our advantage couldn't we T2"
"hey I'm T1"
"how come?"
"did i accidently grow a bag of peanuts in your head instead of a genius mind???? Its because i was the first and original tomas"
"And the most stuck up"
"hey i have every right to be stuck up i created you i created life is that not the power that once was only credited to gods"
"fine then whatever you can be t1 but only if i can be Trogdore the burninator"
"wow you should spend less time rooting through 21st century youtube archives ,you can be tomas and i can be tomas, deal"
"now lets get down to -"
"Isn't life sweet"

Justin staggered along the corridor feeling incredibly nauseous after doing something that nature never intended.He lent on the wall for a second to regain balance.As he looked up he saw the barky form of Tomas Strutting towards him
"oh god not againn"his brain went into overdrive as he tried to figure a way to escape another torturous conversation with the creature that seemed to be drinking the light emmiting from the standard jmc lightbulbs dotted along the corridor whilst muttering to himself .The Hol0-adrenalin had rebooted his system enough for him to think of a reasonably difficult plan,he would walk in the opposite direction and round the corner away from mister treeface.
"move out the way world here comes mister genius"justin laughed as slipped round the corner
suprisingly enough justin heard a reply"technically your IQ isnt high enough to classify you in the genius category at the moment or even the reasonably not stupid category for that matter"
justin stared in horror as he saw Tomas standing in front of him
"i... but ....you ....noooooo"
A bony finger poked him in the back and justin spun around to face another tomas
"yes thats right theres two of us now double the fun isn't"
The two tree creatures high fived over justin and showered him in bark flakes
"and you justin are our new best freind
"oh smeg" said justin

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