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View character profile for: White Wolf

View character profile for: Jacky Kong
That Rat
Jacky was mumbling to himself and pacing.
"Weapons. Okay, um, weapons... let me think." he said to himself.
Jacky absent-mindedly rummaged through his pockets and found an old film festival ticket and a beer bottle. Why, the very same beer bottle he'd been drinking out of a long time ago.
"What about this?" Jacky asked the others.
Jay looked down at the bottle. "You're not going to get smashed, are you?" he asked.
"It's empty!" Jacky said, in defense. "We could smash the end off and poke them with it, I suppose."
"Get to it, then." Jay said, turning back to the others.
Jacky looked at the bottle for a bit, then went to a nearby rock. He smashed the end of it on the rock, leaving jagged sharp bits on the end.
"Hey. Look." White Wolf commented, walking over to Jacky and pointing. "It's that rat."
Indeed, it was the same rat that showed no interest to Jacky or White Wolf earlier. They got down and looked at it again.
"Must have followed us here." Jacky commented.
The rat creature ran up Jacky's arm and into his pocket.
"Bottomless pockets sure come in handy, don't they?" White Wolf commented
"They certainly do." Jacky said with a smile.
"So. The newbies." White Wolf said.
"What about them?"
"Well, what do you think?"
Jacky pondered for a moment.
"Well..." he began. "One of them clearly fancies Jaxx, and I think that speaks for itself, really. The other one offered me psychiatric help."
"You're not impressed?"
"I didn't say that. I mean, maybe I could use a psychiatrist. And Jaxx gets to occupy his time with a woman. But, it does make you wonder..."
"If he's so strong, what's the sex like?"
Jacky snapped White Wolf a shocked look.
"Oh what?" Wolf asked. "I know you were wondering."
Jacky paused.
"Yeah..." he said. "I suppose it crossed my mind."