God Mode

"Can anyone here that?" Worried Jacky. He was stoutly ignored.

"We have to get moving people. We can't just stay here." Jade said, unholstering the pulse rifle that had been haned to her and checking through the safties.

"No seriously... Like a wooshing roaring sound..." Jacky said looking up the hill in the burrow towards the sound.

"What are you...?" The rest of Jade's sentance was lost as a monumental wave of water rolled down the steep slope they were resting on. It ate up the ground like a mole on speed. The churning boiling water taking away any sound with it's crashing din.

Jamie reached out a hand as the waters tumbled them down a hole, and into some tunnels, corridors, burrows, whatever they were. The water was moving too fast to keep an accurate eye on things, and not get pummelled into non-existence by the buffeting waves and wall/floor/ceilings (Difficult to tell which one was which).

His arm reached out towards Jade, as he called. The noises drowning everything (except them, but there was still time for that.)

His pulse rifle was on a strap around him, which he had cleverly tightened so it couldn't go anywhere. He reached and called, but couldn't even hear himself over the rushing waters. He took a deep breath and dived to the centre of the torrent, keeping away from the edges. Ahead, he could see Jade faring less well. She slammed into a wall as the torrent pulled them through old parts of the facility, but as much as he tried to get closer, the currents had other plans.

It was a short time after that... the currents deposited Jade. A vent sprung open, and water poured from it, taking her with it. Jamie swum hard, trying to get to the same vent, but the waters were too strong.

Thinking back, Jamie remembered the raging rivers of his jungle home, Fernandos. There were some strong currents there, and the Ssala had taught him a trick or two, being partly amphibious creatures. He took a deep breath, and held his arms and legs straight against himself. The lack of water resistance made him sink quickly, straight to the bottom where another vent opened, and deposited him, in what he assumed was the room next to Jade.

Quickly getting up as he landed, he slowly skulked around to a door.

"Oh my god, it's a Wild Human!" was the voice he heard. As he crept closer, he could see two rodents. He couldn't tell what kind they were, as all rodents looked the same to him. (He hoped White Wolf would understand). They looked relatively young, but again, difficult to tell with rodents. They didn't get more pale, or go grey or anything as they got older, so there was no way to tell.

"Do you think Dad will let us keep it?" said the other one.

"Definitely kids." Jamie thought.

They had weapons. Rifles of some kind.

"It's a she." the first one said. "And she's hurt. We should get her some new clothes."

"Oh! I've got some from my old doll that would fit her."

"Ok, go and get them. I'll stay here and make sure she doesn't escape."

Jamie pulled away from the door. "Smeg." he said. If there were kids here, any weapons fire would mean a lot more of them would be there in moments if he fired. There was no way he would be able to sneak in, and take it out silently. He would have to wait.

As he did, he pulled one of the explosives from his bag, and placed it off to one side, hidden inside an empty crate.

"Ten minutes left." he thought, looking at the timer to when they had to meet. "I'll set it for 15." he thought more, and re-wired part of the detonator so it would go off if anyone messed with it, even if they wanted to increase the time. If he didn't get Jade out, he didn't want to be kept as a pet, and he was pretty sure no one else would either.

It wasn't long before the rodent came back with some clothes, and together, they redressed the doctor, and discarded her own clothes. They took her weapon and bag, and stashed them in a corner. Soon, she was tied up. When she awoke, he hid back out of the way. If she saw him, she might give away his hiding place, and then they would be both caught.

"I don't suppose that you would consider not killing me?" Jade asked, turning to face the rodent and backing up slowly.

"No." He rumbled.

"Didn't think so..." Jade said, once again turning and running. Now it's a fine fact that running with your hands tied behind your back isn't easy. She made it about 800 yards before she over balanced and fell forwards, breaking her fall on her hip and shoulder. Wincing at the heavy impact she crawled like a worm onto her back to try and lever herself upwards again.

A heavy paw landed on her chest and the barrel of a Roo gun was pointed in her face.

"Got you." The male growled and clicked the firing mechanisms into place.

Then he heard a very similar sound.

"Don't even think about it." Jamie said. He had picked up Jades rifle, and had one pointed at the male, while the other was pointed back up the stairs at the kids.

"If you do anything, I'll blow you and your kids away." he said, angrily. "I'm wild, after all." He added. True enough, his beard was beginning to grow back, and it did look like he was a bit more wild than normal.

"I'll do you a deal. Let us both out of here with no trouble, and I'll tell you where I hid the bomb." Jamie said. His face was flat, straight and real.

"Bomb?" the gerbil asked.

"It's a pretty big one. you've got about five minutes left, if i'm accurate. Let us out and you'll have time to find it and deactivate it. I'll even tell you the deactivation code."

"Ok. Deal." The gerbil said. Obviously he didn't want to be the cause of an explosion.

Jade got up, and walked towards Jamie, who cut the bonds on her arms, and handed her the rifle. Together, in silence, they climbed the stairs, covering both ways with their weapons. As they reached the front door, Jamie said..

"It's in the upturned crate in the 2nd room. Deactivation code is up, down, left, right, up, down, left, right, A, B, Start."

"You are not as wild as many have said." was the reply, as he darted back inside to disarm the device. Jamie nodded at Jade, with an anxious look on his face, and they both ran.

Moments later, there was a loud explosion behind them, and the ground shook.


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