Pyramid Scheme

Jacky couldn't hold a drink. He knew this quite well. It had gotten him into trouble with the others before, and it was exactly the sort of trouble he often tried to avoid. But he had a drink the previous night anyway, and awoke to find himself outside, in a place he didn't recognize immediately. He cursed himself.

"You knew this would happen!" he said to himself. "How are you going to find the others now?"

He got up and rubbed his eyes. His vision cleared up and he could see his surroundings better now.

He was on the roof of a building. He didn't dare move, though, because this building was difficult to stand on. He was on top of the Luxor Hotel.

Jacky clung desperately to the building as best he could. This was the single most terrifying situation he'd ever been in ever. More now than ever before, he wished he still had the wings. Very slowly, very carefully, he pulled up his communicator. He set it to a group setting.

"To anyone who can hear this, I'd just like to ask for help. I'm on top of the Luxor Hotel and I think I'm going to die. I have absolutely no idea how I got here, but I need help now." He said into it, calmly.

He couldn't remember if anyone had their communicators besides him. He hoped to god that someone did.

and then Jacky remembered something. Something that made him feel instantly better. Something that breathed confidence and a feeling of safety into him.

Jack could not die.

Not yet, anyway. Jacky had met his future self, and if it wasn't for him, the crew would be dead. If he were to die now, he would already be dead. But he would be dead on an exploded planet, or the belly of a spider. He would not be dead on the pavement of Las Vegas.

With this in mind, Jacky breathed a sigh of relief, and began sliding down the building. He was going to be okay.

As he gained speed, he remembered that his future self being alive did not mean that his present self couldn't become horrifically injured. Jacky stiffened up at the thought of it, which only made him go faster.

"One more thing..." he said into the communicator. "I'd like to send a formal apology to the following individuals:..."

< Prev : Mighter than the Sword - Part Two Next > : Never mind Katrina, She's just Fridge-id.