Mighter than the Sword - Part Two

"Thank you." He beamed and then began to speak up addressing the rest of the room. "We have been Penn and Teller, our main show is on from eight. Pleae do come and join us." The shorter man smiled again and bowed low to Jade taking her hand and kissing her. She chuckled. Only when they had gone, and the corwds dispursed was it that she noticed the free ticket to the performance in her pocket.

Jade took her seat rather self consciously in the front row. Apparently the silent Teller had ensured that she had been slipped a front row seat. It was odd, she was used to being alone on the Dwarf. Well, alone as you could be as the only medic. Sometimes, especially since Alex had become so distant, she felt like she was truely on her own. Before, she was transferred she had her unit with her always, and on Earth she had her friends as well. Here, it was like being back home, but there was a sense of feeling out of place, she had none of her old friends here, all of them not even born yet.

There was a great fanfare of music, and the crowds quietened down to a murmer as the show began. Jade watched, and was soon lost to the magic, Penn and Teller had been her favourite magicians from the 21st century. The re-runs were always on the television, there was something fantastic about watching their unique blend of comedy, humor and thrill. They were no Harry Blackstone, or Copperfield, and Siegfried and Roy were bonkers enough to use tigers and lions which made them cool. These guys though, were something else and it became easy to pretend that she was back home.

"Now what we need... Teller would you be so kind." Penn gestured to the audience and the shorter man nodded, rolling his eyes and headed for the stairs down into the audience.

That was when the Time Fridge arrived, swirling into existance in the exact spot that Teller had jsut been stood. It was only then that Jade realised she was watching that performance. The infamous 'Fridge of Time' trick. They only ever performed it once, and now Jade knew why, she giggled slightly the woman who was on stage announcing the halftime she had always thought looked like her Mum. Jade grinned and stood up, moving off to the side to watch the show that was about to begin on stage.

"Oh God. Oh Man!" Alex came out of the Fridge, well fairly nearly tumbled out of the door and gasped for air.

"Aww come on man up dude!" Jay said, following him out and clapping him on the back. Jade whaondered how he had been able to get from the gambling tables to the Time Fridge, she wrote it off as one of those things that she best not ask about. Especially as it was Jay and Phil together, and especially given the current paradoxes she thought she better not ask all together.

"I'm just glad we were able to get that kebab safely stored away before... Oh... guys..." Phil said, dusting off his jacket and tossing the gas masks back into the Fridge.

"What now? If the midget has crapped his keks again then you are on your own." Jay said turning his back on the crowd who were getitng increasingly restless. Penn and Teller were looking at each other in dumbfounded shock, for once the big man was lost for words as well.

"No, no... But you need to turn around." Phil said, pointing. Alex was still laid on the ground gasping for air. Jade wanted to go over to him, but she knew her cue.

"Really? You think i'm going to fall for that?!" Jay said, laughing.

"No, honey this time he has a point." Katrina emerged last from the Fridge and placed a hand on her husbands shoulder turining him around.

"Oh... Smeg..." Jay said, seeing the crowd for the first time. His eyes scanned the crowd and Jade saw the look of 'shit I need a plan' on his face. Jay's eyes lit upon Jade and he grinned, Jade, seeing the recognision mouthed 'play along' to him. Jay breifly looked confused, but that was before Penn recovered enough of his senses.

"What the actual fuck?" Penn hissed at the group of Dwarfers on stage, loud enough so that only they could hear. "Are you trying to upstage us is that it?"

"Hey. Hey! No way. This was... This was...." Jay looked back to Jade, Jade emphatically pointed to Teller. "His idea!"

"What?" Penn's head whipped around and looked at his partner. Teller shrugged, unable to confirm or deny the act. "Right. Ok. Just... don't screw up." Penn hissed again, glaring at the Dwarfers. It was all getting a bit awkward and tense up on stage, improv only got you so far and the audience were beginning to suspect that something was up. Not good for a magic show. Jade grinned and walked up on stage.

"Ok, thank you all for coming, we are just going to take a small intermission. Whilst we set up for act two." She gestured to the wings and the curtains closed. She had just taken part in the most well known magic trick of the 21st century.

<I will Tag here, as this was my original plan in case anyone wants to finish this off, but since time has been moved on i'll carry on after too>


Jade woke up, sober and rested. The bed had been soft and warm, the room quiet and cool without being cold. It was almost perfect. She found a change of clothes ready, Cass had really pulled out all the stops for them all. Briefly, she wondered if any of the others would be sober enough to notice. At breakfast she took a seat with a few of the others and chuckled at the members of the group who were worse for wear, bedecked in sunglasses and waited for the others to arrive.


OOC - Smeg, I forgot Jay wasn't there till just now... Urm... can we say wibbly wobbly timey wimey and make me not change it? Please?

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