Buh Bye Bunny - Part 2

<Part 2>

“I can’t go in there!” Evelina protested.
Alex rolled his eyes and walked into the gents, looking for some clue as to where Stefani could’ve gone. He found one almost straight away: There was a lipstick heart drawn on the mirror. A lipstick heart drawn on the mirror in the exact shade Stefani had been wearing. A lipstick heart drawn on the mirror in the exact shade Stefani had been wearing, with writing inside.
He stuck his head out the door and looked between Jaxx, Chuck and Evelina who were all standing patiently in the corridor. He wondered who was he least embarrassed in front of.
“Eve." He selected. "Please will you come in here for a moment?”
She looked questioningly down at Jaxx who had noticed the concern on Alex’s face. “Go ahead, Eve babe. We’ll like totally let you know if anyone’s coming.”

She stepped through the door.
“What is it Alex?”
He pointed at the words inside the lipstick heart. “Um, what’s that say?”
“It says ‘The Jujube Lounge’.”
Before she could ask questions, Alex gave a tight smile and ushered her out. “Great, thanks, let’s go.”
“Any sign of Jacky in there?” Jaxx asked as they walked.
“Nah, just Stefani. Sorry. We’ll find him though.”


The Jujube Lounge.

Stefani was, appropriately, lounging in a plush velvety chair. She smiled and sat up a little when she saw Alex approaching.
“Hey Dodger!”
“All right?”
“Dodgy?” Asked Chuck Liddell. Evelina giggled.
“Dodger” snapped Alex, feeling self-conscious.
“I knew you’d find me.” Grinned the blonde haired one, adjusting the black-as-night sunglasses she was inexplicably wearing indoors, in a dimly lit, windowless lounge.
“I knew you’d want more…”
Alex wasn’t sure if she meant the Otter-that-wasn’t, or her.
She patted a little handbag and raised her eyebrows. “Hm?”
Solvay gazed around at his companions, the stranger Chuck, the sweet, wide eyed Eve, and the skutter Jaxx, who was currently projecting an aura of unflinching robo-innocence. He turned back to Stef.
“No, thanks.”
“Well, okay. Why don’t you all sit down and have a drink instead?” She suggested.
They sat, and Stef politely told the others how nice it was to meet them and ordered the suggested drinks. Alex sat stiffly, clenching and unclenching his hands over his knees. Evelina nudged him but he didn’t say anything. Eventually an amused Stef broke the awkward silence.

“So wild night last night, huh?”
“Sure was.” Alex nodded, trying not to make it too obvious that he was scrutinizing her for signs of awareness that they were from the future. “… Sure was.”
“I was so high!” She giggled. Alex winced as he heard Jaxx’s rotors whir curiously at this information.
“In fact,” she continued. “I was tripping something crazy.”
Solvay raised an eyebrow. Tripping? “Really?”
“Yeah, probably shouldn’t have taken the stuff Xavier gave me, we were messed up enough already, right?”
Alex winced again. His gaze shifted uneasily towards the others and he said nothing, just grunted vaguely in the affirmative.
“Anyhoo!” The story continued. “I thought we were in this… And I know it sounds silly… But I thought were were in this travelling fridge!”
She laughed loudly.
“Off your face!” Interjected Chuck, enthusiastically. Everyone looked at him for a moment, causing a look of humble embarrassment to slide across his features, before Stefani carried on with her tale.
“… And the worse thing was, that I imagined there was this terrifying stinky small person releasing all these noxious gasses. Isn’t that insane?”
“Heh, yeah, insane!” Alex chuckled, relieved she thought none of the Phil an' The Future stuff was real. “That’s drugs for you” he added, one for emphasis and two because the thought of the sweet woman wasting her life on drugs saddened him.
The sunglasses were removed to reveal a wry expression on her face. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

Evelina tapped an imaginary wristwatch.
Alex stretched. “Oh, smeg, yeah. Uh we gotta go look for our cr- Our friend.”
“I don’t suppose you’ve seen him have you?” Evelina asked. “He’s about 5’6, likes wearing lab coats and goggles…”
Stefani laughed her chiming laugh. “No, I’m sorry! He sounds like a scientist.”
“’E is. Anyway, gotta go.” Alex stood, and the others, bar Stef, did too.
“I’m sure he’ll turn up.”
As he went to move away, Stef reached up from her velvety chair and took his hand. “Will I see you later?”
He looked at her for a fairly long while, unsure of what to say. He settled on: “We’ll be going home soon.”
“Can I have your number or email?”
“I don’t really have... them.” Not ones that'd work, anyway.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around, Dodge. It was fun.”

As they exited the bar, Alex last in line, holding the door open for Jaxx, looked back across the room, and gave the mysterious blonde bunny a little nod.


“Come on” droned Jaxx, able to speak freely again now they were away from Stefani. “Let’s go and find Jacky, dudes.”
“Yeah, all right.”


As the strange bunch walked, and trundled, out of the hotel, into the sunshine, and along the strip, Evelina casually asked.
“Is it true that we were originally supposed to be stopping you having a fling with one of your own great great grand-daughters?”
Alex was taken aback. “What!?”
“That’s what some of the others’re saying…”
Alex, relieved to have sorted the future-realisation problem, and pleased to be in the sun, chuckled. “My own grand-daughter? Makes me sound like some kind of paradoxical paedo. Think they're pulling your leg..."
“He-ey, gu-uys.” Speak & Skutt interrupted. “… I think I found a clue…”

Alex looked to where Jaxx was pointing his claw, and blinked. "We're gonna need a car."


<TAG Jaxx/Eve/Anyone who came on the Hangoveresque Jacky hunt.
What was the clue? Did we see Jacky sliding down a distant building (and how could we tell it was him), or was it another clue?
Why does it mean we need a car?
Where do we get a car?>

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