
"Shit!" Cass said, jumping forwards to try and catch Jade. Cass nearly fell flat on her face as Jaxx moved to try and help as well, getting under her feet.
"I think... I think I need to go to sleep now..." She moaned, her eyes going slightly crossed as she lost focus.
"Damnit Doc stay awake!" Jamie yelled, too far away to come in to help as he was over by the stasis controls monitoring the readouts of the pod.
"I'm.. sorry..." She said quietly, as she slipped into her safe dark place away from the pain and fell to the floor.
“Fuck’s sake!” Cass leaped over Jaxx to crouch down by Jade’s side and yank her grey prison top up to inspect the livid wound on the right hand side of her abdomen “Aw, shit." she groaned "Jade? Jade?”
There was no response
“Damn it woman," Cassandra's voice choked with sudden emotion "I’m not losing two friends today!”
Grabbing one of Jades arms to pull her upright, she looped it over her shoulders and heaved herself to her feet, the nanosuit helping her drag the diminutive doctor up with her “Give me a hand Jamie – We need to get her to the medical bay!”
“Holly?” she demanded as Jamie hurried to aid her “Rescind the previous command and reactivate all units. Scorched earth policy from here to the med lab. Get Phi to meet us there”
“Orrite dude” Holly swam into view on a nearby, cracked and stained monitor on the wall
“Just shut the fuck up and do what I told you” Cass snapped as she and Jamie hurried past with Jade slung between them

In spite of Cassandra's fears, the fifteen minute journey to the medical centre proved uneventful; although as petite as Jade was, by the end of the journey, both Cass and Jamie were near exhausted
“Get her onto the bed” Phi gestured towards one of the empty diagnostic bays “What happened?”
“Dunno” Cass grunted as she helped haul Jade up and onto the bed “Jamie?”
“I’m not sure” he shook his head and sighed; Jade looked terrible “She was injured during that firefight in the Core – She went back for her bag”
“Out of the way” Phi hauled the med-scanner into position over the bed and frowned up at the display “...Nasty”
“What’s the prognosis?” Cass asked from the other side of the room as she busied herself, rifling through the dispensary “Where have those nanites gone? The ones left over from when I was working on Jay?”
Jamie glanced at Phi who was gazing unhappily up at the scanner and expectantly raised his eyebrows “Doc?” he prompted
“Stasis tube, third drawer on the right” Phi said irritably before falling silent and pondering the readout, her lips curling with distaste
“And the prognosis?”
“Gastrointestinal perforation from that piece of shrapnel there,” Phi pointed up at the display “haematoma, early stages of ...sepsis” she finished with a shudder
“So when are you going to do something about it!?” Cass snapped impatiently as she dragged the tube containing the nanites out of the drawer and turned back to face her
Phi’s eyes widened in horror at the thought and she shook her head “Germs...” she whispered
“Oh, get a fucking grip!”
Jamie rolled his eyes “Phi,” he said bluntly “Jade’s dead unless you do something”
“Look, I can repair the damage with these,” Cass said as she disengaged the stasis field containing the nanites “but you’ve got to help me Phi. I know nothing about drugs or treating sepsis”
"You mean I don't have to operate?" Phi's face lit up in hope
"No, just keep her alive with drugs"
“Drugs... Yes, drugs,” Phi twittered in relief as she hurried past Cass towards the dispensary “drugs are good”

After Jamie was hustled out of the med lab, it took nearly five hours of work to stabilise and treat Jade; by which time Cass had been awake for nigh on twenty hours and, on top of a bad night’s sleep, the only thing keeping her going was the battery of stimulants that her nanosuit had been feeding her
Finally, too tired to even make it back to her quarters, she simply curled up on a spare bed in the infirmary and as Phi dimmed the lights and she drifted off to sleep, her thoughts were of Katrina and all the good times they'd never have together. She was also desperately concerned about Jay and, unaware that he was in stasis in the morgue, scant metres from where she lay, she fell into a fitful sleep worrying about him and his wellbeing

So we're back home
We're going to have a bit of down time after all the recent excitement so, as some of you have done so already, let's have a post or two detailing what your character gets up to now they're back and we'll move onto the next thing in a little while

< Prev : A New Home and Old Memories Next > : The Continuity of the Pritchard Name