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View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Phil FeBuggure

View character profile for: Evelina Stone (Away)

View character profile for: Jamie Eastlick
Deja Vu
Posted byPosted: Jun 17, 2014, 8:16am
A loud, vibrating snore permeated the entirety of the clothing store "JMC Penny's" on the Promenade. Lying atop a carousel of shirts was the prone, and still very much asleep form of Jamie.
Gunfire went on outside as Jay and Phil fought with the STCP enforcers, and yet the snoring continued.
"Sir. There's one." said a young, cocky looking STCP enforcer. His obvious supervising officer nodded, and skirted the store, entering to try and apprehend, or kill another of the crew. The two enforcers circled closer, believing him to be faking it, as no one could sleep through that noise.
Come on, just a little closer Jamie thought, keeping his breathing under control, forcing the loud, obnoxious snoring sounds.
They got closer, and closer. Then, Jamie's eyes opened, and he spun around, kicking the superior officer away, and landing on the junior enforcer, knocking him to the ground, landing with his feet on the man's chest, and grabbed his weapon.
"Drop the weapo-" started the superior as he tried to regain his feet, but Jamie wasn't taking chances, and vaporised the man. He then used the butt of the rifle to knock out the junior. Perhaps they could question him later? He set off at a loping run across the store, and saw Jay & Phil exiting the Promenade at the far end. He pulled into a sprint, and began his attempt to catch up with them. Unlike the others, he hadn't been drinking for as long, and so hadn't had such a bad hangover. He caught up with them just as Eve did, and then the alarms went off.
"What just happened?" she asked them, which Jamie just caught the end of.
"Looks like they just blew the core." Jamie said, looking to Jay & Phil for confirmation. They had seen more of it than he had, having arrived with the blast doors already down.
"Yeah. Timed charge. They time-jumped out." Jay said, punching the wall in frustration.
"We've got to get out of here." Jamie said. "If they've blown the core, it's going to get very hot here, very quickly."
"Isn't there anything we can do?" Eve asked.
"Holly?" Jamie said, turning to the nearest console.
"Yo." Holly said, as his head popped up.
"Can you dump the core, or vent the plasma, or drop fuel?" He asked, going through everything that he would have tried if he'd been closer to the core back on the SS Hercules.
"Nope, sorry dudes, and dudette. Just had this conversation with Cass." Holly said. "She's got a plan though." He said with a wink, and disappeared from the screen.
<tag peoples. Figure Cass would have told Holly not to tell Eve what the plan was straight away, as she'd understandably get upset.>