
~~~~ Back at the crash site ~~~~
"This is all shit" Cass grumbled "There's nothing here. The place has been stripped clean months ago"
"Yeah, I've got to say that it does look like it" Jay shone his flashlight around the darkened interior of the ruined Drive Room. The place was strewn with detritus and smelt of damp and rot.
"Look we've got the equipment from the panniers on the grav-bikes" Cass swept her own torch over what remained the command stations. Someone or something had torn most of the valuable electronic equipment out of there "It's all shielded and it's better than the stuff we came with - Let's just clear off on the bikes and go find the others, eh?"
"Yeah, you're right" Jay conceded and turned back towards her to walk back towards the vine strewn exit outside, his foot inadvertently kicking something and sending it skittering across the floor with a metallic rattle "Oh, hello?" he shone his torch in the direction the object had gone
"What's that?" Cass asked as Jay stooped to pick it up
"It's a light bee"
"It'll probably be Pancake. Leave it"
"Could be anyone" Jay slipped the bee into a pocket and made his way towards the exit "C'mon - let's get out of here"
"If it's Pancake, I'll kick your arse" Cass grumbled, following close behind him
Jay grinned back at her as they scrambled back out into the sunlight where Jaxx was waiting with the bikes "If it's Pancake, my arse is all yours for the kicking"
"I'll bloody well hold you to that"

Let's use the grav-bikes to zip back across the bay, towards where everyone else is
Does anything happen on the way and how do we manage to locate everyone else?
Do we find anything else in the jungle?

As a reminder for everyone: - We seem to be having a load of technological items proliferating on Fernando's at the moment, which, if I may remind you, is surrounded by exotic electromagnetic fields that render technological items inert.
There's a 50km diameter zone around the TWNB headquarters where technology will work (we've got a load of cyborgs and robots in the group at the moment), but outside of that, it's strictly a low tech setting and we're reduced to using pointy sticks to fend the dinosaurs off with


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