Boys and Their Toys

"Yeah, you're right" Jay conceded and turned back towards her to walk back towards the vine strewn exit outside, his foot inadvertently kicking something and sending it skittering across the floor with a metallic rattle "Oh, hello?" he shone his torch in the direction the object had gone
"What's that?" Cass asked as Jay stooped to pick it up
"It's a light bee"
"It'll probably be Pancake. Leave it"
"Could be anyone" Jay slipped the bee into a pocket and made his way towards the exit "C'mon - let's get out of here"
"If it's Pancake, I'll kick your arse" Cass grumbled, following close behind him
Jay grinned back at her as they scrambled back out into the sunlight where Jaxx was waiting with the bikes "If it's Pancake, my arse is all yours for the kicking"
"I'll bloody well hold you to that"
Let's use the grav-bikes to zip back across the bay, towards where everyone else is
Does anything happen on the way and how do we manage to locate everyone else?
Do we find anything else in the jungle?

Franky/Jaxx waited patiently as Jay and Cass made their way back to him and the hover bikes. After an informal lesson on how to use the bikes Franky/Jaxx managed to get somewhat used to the controls. Before they left on the two hover bikes Franky/Jaxx looked at Jay and Cass who was appearing somewhat smitten with Jay and said, “Oceans to Murgatroyd, even, I bet a bottom dweller you two enjoyed you’re little diversion.” Cass looked at Franky/Jaxx with a skeptical look as he raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. Jay of course was all too happy about his new toy as he rambled on about it. Franky/Jaxx then said, “Well I am glad you two bipeds could have some fun even. Any who, my sweet little apprentice thinks we should find the little blue guy with a penis on his head that stayed behind even.” Jay cocked his head to the side and replied, “You mean Efof?” Franky/Jaxx replied, “Yes even, my poor cute apprentice needs a little work on remembering things.” Cass smirked as she muttered, “That’s putting it mildly.” Franky/Jaxx smiled at Cass as he replied, “Don’t be cruel even, not everyone is gifted with such a gifted mind like you even. But what my cute apprentice lacks in brain power, he more than makes up for it in willpower even.” Jay sighed as he replied, “Yeah but that tends to get him in trouble you.” Franky/Jaxx replied, “Oh tell me about it, the poor boy is deeply ashamed about letting you down, but don’t worry sweety I’ll bring his training up to speed before long. You see the Calamar training consists of both diplomacy and combat and my sweet apprentice neglected his diplomacy training since it was hard for him even. Normally this sort of thing wouldn’t happen but as you probably know my people are not exactly plentiful in the galaxy these days even.” Jay and Cass nodded as they gain a small insight to Jaxx’s world.

Jay then said, “Well as I recall Efof was staying at Jamie’s old place so if we can retrace our steps back to the Ssala camp we should be able to find it again.” Franky/Jaxx replied, “Oceans to Murgatroyd, even, from what I gather from my dear sweet apprentice we should head in that general direction to find the camp.” Jay looked at the direction Franky/Jaxx was pointing and replied, “Yeah I do recall it being Northwest from this direction. Well then unless you gotta take a piss let mount up and head on out. Cass you can ride with me since Franky slash Jaxx will use the other bike.” Cass smirked as she watched Jay get on the bike before she slid behind him and held onto him. Franky/Jaxx followed Jay’s directions to operate the hover bike and managed to keep it somewhat level. Then Jay said, “Follow my lead but if we get separated continue on to find the Ssala camp.” Franky/Jaxx nodded as he said, “Will do even, exit stage left.” Jay and Cass gave Franky/Jaxx an odd look before they took off. The three Dwarfers headed out through the jungle and managed to quickly escape a few Haruk scouting patrols. The speed of the hover bikes easily confused the slower mounted Haruk scouts. After an hour at high speeds Jay managed to lead the way to the Ssalan camp. While at the camp Franky/Jaxx managed to translate for Jay to find Jamie’s place. After a short ride Jay led the others to Jamie’s place. Just to be sure it was safe Jay suggested they not pull up at the house, but instead check it out first to see who is in there. As Jay, Cass and Franky/Jaxx were sneaking about outside the house Jamie heard the sound of machines nearby and quickly insisted Jade and Evelina take cover since they may have been found.
TAG – (How will we settle this one?)

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