Pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Goddammit. I've been stabbed before, mostly by myself and with screwdrivers, but never in the chest with a knife, and definitely not by a hard-light hologram.

It shouldn't be so hard to breathe... Smeg, Cass must be in so much pain if I'm feeling this much.

Oh man, here she comes... What's she going to do now.

block. Might not help since she's a hologram, but worth- oof. There's a kick to the stomach. If I was having trouble breathing before, I must be white as a sheet by now.

A bright white flash of light.

Is that it? Did she kill me? Is this the light at the end of the tunnel?

I can feel the Adrenaline fading... not dead... Oh, but I wish I was.

That pain... Pulsing pain all the way up my body, indescribable, can't move...

Hands and knees, on the floor. Searching for breath. Force the cough, force air.

Spray of blood on the floor. Overlay from Cass' wound, or... worse...

Strength failing. Must... lie down... that's it.. tilt slowly... let yourself down gently.

soft thunk, no pain. Just my arm on the ground. That was far too fast though. Legs shift position. More pain.

To everyone else, it looked like Jamie just slowly collapsed down to his knees, then over to his side, whimpering like an abandoned pet.

Can't think straight... How to stop her?

<only tagged myself, since it's internalised.>
Pain is just weakness leaving the body. Sometimes the spirit tags along.

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