
The MedBay was well inside the areas covered by the hard-light projection rig, but since Tara was managing so well without any other help, Holly had prioritised deploying the dead in other, more urgent areas.

By the time Cass, Lola and 'Leather Boy' made it down there, Cass was absolutely spangled.

“I was gonna fuck 'im” she announced as she fell through the MedBay door ahead of her companions “I was...” she paused to take in the troopers being pelted with kidney dishes and other assorted medical paraphernalia “Where's Jay?”

“Get out!” Tara yelled angrily “Get out now”

The sight of her seemed to make Cass a little more focussed.

“You” she snapped, fist clenching as she advanced towards her “I killed you. What the fuck are you doing here?”

“What the hell are you on about?” Tara demanded.

“At the thing!” this all seemed far too hard to explain for Cass “You know – In the future?”

“The...?” Tara looked from Cass to Lola and Leather Boy “Has she been at the communion wine?”

“Silence” the Sergeant of the troopers bellowed “I've had about enough of this. You...” he pointed at Cass “Get over there”

“Where's Jay?” Cass demanded as she turned to advance towards him “Jay Chrysler - I'm gonna take him back to my place”

“What?” Tara snapped “Seriously?”

“Where is he?” Cass grabbed Sergeant by the shoulders and gave him a shake “Where?”

“Uh… Reverend Sister,” Lola began, hesitantly “I don't think...”

“Unhand me!” the sergeant was nearly apoplectic

“Oh, shit” Cass groaned and slumped against him, one arm coiling around his neck.

Unsure of what to do, the other troopers dithered “Madam, please” one of them tried, gingerly, to prise Cass away.

“Oh” she groaned and with a single convulsive heave, she retched noisily and vomited over the sergeant.

Lola's nervous giggle, in the shocked silence that followed, bordered on hysterical.

“Bloody human scum” the sergeant screamed, vomit dripping from his chin as he pushed Cass off and threw her to the floor “Kill them all” he ordered his men “Every last one of them!”

Tara: Holly's busy elsewhere - any ideas how to resolve this?

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