Lt. Jason Smegg - "No aliens?"

Smegg began quoting things he read in a space-core manual somewhere.
"4080- It is finally proven that mankind is all alone in the universe. No
other intelligent life exists anywhere in the universe."
Then he realized how silly that sounded. 4080? That was what, 1700 years
in the future? What kind of space corps manual was that? It must have
fallen through a time hole or something... Naah, it's probably just a
dumb hoax or something out of a science fiction story. The thought was
disturbing, though... what if there really were no aliens? He'd really
wanted to meet a real-life Alkari...
The pterodactyl-like alien being sat before Smegg.
"Caw! cluck cluck cluck Caw Caw!" The creature ruffled what few feathers
it had in what was clearly an attempt at nonverbal communication, but of
what sort Smegg had no clue.
"I'm not a diplomat! I don't know Alkari or Antares Standard!" Smegg
"CAW!!! CAW CAW CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK!!!" The creature was obviously furious.
Perhaps Smegg's words had sounded like some horrible insult in Antares
An image came to Smegg's mind somehow. He knew it was telepathically sent
from Prime Minister Mentas of the Psylon/Alkari Alliance. The image
showed hundreds of green and blue ships orbiting Earth. One of the blue
ships was a huge spheroid with cubed-off edges, about 10 kilometers
across. He felt an immense buildup of energy inside the sphere. Then the
energy was released in the form of a kilometer-wide beam of
10-billion-degree plasma hurled out of the ship toward the planet. The
planet resisted this furious assault for a moment, but the beam
continued, fueled by some unknown energy source - teleportation of matter
directly from the sun's core, perhaps? A stellar conversion beam. The
beam ripped away at the earth's crust, boiling away the oceans, but then
it broke through and began to cut away at the mantle. As Smegg watched
horrified in his mind, the beam cut entirely through the earth. It then
wavered around, gouging out a larger and larger hole. Finally the earth
could not take the seismic stress and split completely apart into a cloud
of asteroids.
Then Smegg woke up.
Mankind alone in the universe might not be such a bad idea.
(Seymour - how ya like my description of a Stellar Converter from Moo2?
If only the combined assault fleet had made a severe miscalculation in
scale and vaporized only a small dog... And if you're wondering about
"Antares Standard" as in the Antarans are ruling, well check out That's right there will be a MOO3! Hooray!)
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