'Oh god not again!'

"Would you like a dirty pint?" Steev ventured
"It might pass the time," she conceded
The two walked over to the bar, ordered 2 of the foul concoctions, said a prayer, and gulped.
Donover had been trying to listren in to Steev and Lloyd talking and panic arose when he heard the words 'Would you like a dirty pint?'.
Harris had sent him to find Lloyd after the last time Lloyd and Steev had a drink and a dirty pint had been ordered. Thankfully only Steev had a dirty pint while Lloyd had taken the safer choice of sticking to non-hardcore drinks.
The newly promoted sergeant legged it over to the bar but he didn't make it as he boomed into a rather large security officer who looked down at him with annoyance. Donover knew there was noway in hell that he was going to get out of this and prevent the drunken bender about to occur.
The last thing Donover remember before waking up in the medical bay/sick bay (whatever you call it!) was a large fist flying at his face.
"Oh GOD!" Donover moaned knowing Harris was going to send him to track down Lloyd again. Hopefully this time they'll keep out of the female showers.

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