Owen Numan slowly but angrily walked ove towards the bar named:
O'Brien & Beer. Well, actually it said O'bianne and ber. He couldn't
spell. He looked at the advert. 'Cheap beer'? 'Comfy
Chairs'? 'Lapdancing'? What the hell was going on? Doesn't this
O'brien idiot know that bars are supposed to be depressing?
He opened the stupid 'cowboy western saloon' doors, and walked in. He
looked around.
The place was full. From beautiful women, ex-girlfriends and even his
mates! But he wasn't gonna bother with those. He found the bar. He
had to push through a few people, and got to a smallish bloke.
'Oi' said Numan
'Yeah' replied O'Brien
'Can I Have a word?'
The two walked in the back room. 'So, you're O'Brien.' asked Numan.
'Erm, Yeah'.
'And you have a bar. I have one across the promenade.'
Numan was realising that O'Brien didn't seem to be bothered at all.
He was totally bored.
'You have cheap beer, comfy chairs and lapdancing.'
'Erm, yeah'. Said the ever exciting O'Brien.
Numan saw that this was going nowhere.
He then got a brilliant idea.
'This is not the end of it!' He shouted.
He walked off grinning.
O'Brien went out after, and looked at Numan, got out a cigarette, and
smirked at him.
Before going, Numan cocked a look at the lapdancer named Holly.
To be continued...

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