Lt. Cmdr. Jason Smegg - "Why aren't we dead yet?"

Blue Dwarf (our Blue Dwarf) hangar bay
Just after the starbug lands
Smegg stepped off the starbug. (Which starbug? Who knows? We go through
starbugs faster than Kate Janeway goes through delta flyers! You'd think
she was running a mobile shipyard out there! What's that? Well at least
we sort of are!) Why wasn't he dead? He wanted to go to the Great
Recycler and become chicken feed, joining the holistic forces of peace
and goodness in their eternal cycling quest of something or another...
Seeing Major Harris there counting the survivors, he decided to punch
Bad move. Harris let loose with a string of obscenities and wallops to
Smegg's face and other sensitive bodily regions. At that point Smegg
realized that he'd done something that was not happy. Punching someone
was mean. As he lay there moaning on the floor, he considered how to
reconcile this.
The infirmary
5 minutes later
Dr. Keto looked over Smegg's injuries. "Hmm, you don't look too bad. Just
a bit roughed up in the centrallodial and subabdominal regions. Take this
ointment and rub it there twice a day."
Smegg looked at him funny. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
"OK, just the nose. Geez, I didn't know you were religious."
"That's OK Doc, I don't think I need any ointment anyway." Smegg said.
"Do you have any soma?"
One grizzled old sailor to another:
"Well, excuse me for saying so, 'Admiral' Phineas Q. Crunch,
but I still don't quite believe that yarn of yours
about the 'dreaded Cereal Pirates of Azhakbania'!"
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