Major Harris 'Kayn's a dead man!'

**Flight bay**
Harris was checking through the starbug making sure that they had no
unwanted visiters when suddenly something hit him over the head and
he went down.
His attack laughed and was about to leave when Harris started getting
to his feet and snarled. "Oh! I'm going to teach you a new of pain
for that!"
Then Harris saw his attacker, it was Kayn but Harris saw straight
through him and saw that he was the counterpart from the other ship.
Harris was a little sluggish and Kayn's counterpart then hit him over
the head again with with what appeared to be a plank of wood.
Harris' only throught part from tearing this little git apart
was 'not again'.
Some time later
Harris awoke in a foul mood and with a fouler headache. But what was
worse was that he was out of chewing gum. But first things first, it
was time to kill a counterpart!

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