'Grim situations'

Blue Dwarf
Medical bay
Sergeant Donover just sat waiting around for a nurse or doctor to see to him for
this strange rash had appeared on his arm and a number of headaches he had been
having, but hopefully not to see Kato and his 'ointment solves everything'
treatments. Not only was it the rash but he had seen a big pink tree jumping
around the corridors. At first Donover throught it had been something the
science department had let loose but after a quick check with that department he
had discovered this tree had nothing to do with them.
From what the Sergeant heard Major Harris now had a few hunting parties out
scouting around the ship looking for this jumping tree. Finding the tree was
one matter and what they would do with it when they found it was another.
Donover felt a bony hand resting on his shoulder and then he turned to see a
tall figure in a black hooded robe carrying a scythe standing beside him but not
actually facing him so the security officer couldn’t see the figure’s face
hidden by the hood.
"Robert Donover." The figure said.
Donover gulped and replied "Yes?"
"Your life as you know it is over." The figure told the security officer and
then it turned to face him, there within the hood was a skull with a blue
glowing in the eye sockets and the hand on his shoulder bore no flesh or skin
but was just bone.
With this Donover screamed, not a girlie scream mind you, and then he did what
he usually did in situations like this, he ran off out of the medical bay
screaming his head off in the corridors.
The robed figure just leaned on its' scythe and moaned. "Not again. Now where
can I get a curry around here?"

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