A Slight Burden

-The Bramble Wood,
Very Near Jocelynn's Inn,
Early Morning, 1 DSTR-

Ponce spun on his heels, giving Ceriden a look as if he had no idea what the old man was talking about. A split-second later, his confusion was washed away by realization.

He walked over to the armor, lifting up just the cuirass so that Ceriden could see.

"These are Verden colors. Should a soldier, or anyone really, see me with this on, they would know that I was a soldier of the Verden army. We could even be attack should we go anywhere near Dalen. And the wieght is a bit annoying. I figured discarding it would cause less problems...unless you want me to put it back on?"

Personally, Ponce felt he would have speed and mobility on his side without it. The coat he wore now weighed much less than the armor, but he also figured that he should be on the wizard's good side.

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